"Mom, it is not easy for Yancheng to be with Tang Tian. Although Tang Tian is not very high, he is a very good person. Being with Yancheng is not a shame to Yancheng. Why do you have to be persistent?"

"Are you going to blame me too?"

"That was not what I meant."

"Ji Wei, you are also a father now. If you were your child, you had spent half your life painstakingly and selected a girl who did not meet the three views of the whole family and was unclear, what would you be? Kind of mood?" Mother Song said excitedly.

Shen Jiwei said calmly: "Mom, Tang Tian is not unclear. Yancheng knows the most about this matter. Don't you believe what he said?"

"I can't believe it!" Mother Song patted her chest, heartbroken, "I'm afraid he will be ruined with such a girl in the future! Ji Wei, you and Yancheng are my sons. I used to How much you don’t want you to accept Shen Bingwang’s set of things, how much you don’t want Yancheng to get involved with these people! He is your brother, and you don’t want him to have a bad life, right?

"But by choosing the right person he likes, he won't have a bad life." Shen Jiwei said.

"It's not like it, it's just a temporary hormonal trouble."

"Mom, Yancheng was brought up by you personally. I am also your own. Yes, I know you have worked so hard for so many years. But Mom, children are not the private property of your parents, nor are they a sequel to your life. They should have their own Life, your own right to choose, your own preferences. If you insist on this, it will affect Yancheng's life! You have experienced emotional pain, do you want Yancheng to experience it again?" Shen Jiwei questioned.

Mother Song pursed her lips, did not speak, her breathing became a little bit cramped.

Shen Jiwei knew that if she continued speaking, she might become ill again, so she temporarily put away these words, he stood up and said, "Mom, take a good rest."

He walked out, Yun Jin greeted him and said, "How?"

"Mom still can't figure it out. I think I have to find another way to help Yancheng."

"Let me think about it..." Yun Jin frowned and thought about it, then his eyes lit up and said, "Actually, there is no way, but you still have to wait until Tang Tian comes back to talk about it. Or, at least know where she is.

"What way?" Shen Jiwei also became interested.

Yun Jin opened his eyes and smiled and said, "Come here with your head down."

Shen Jiwei was slightly short and approached her lips. He stretched his eyebrows when he heard what she said, and said, "Okay, let's do it. But the most important thing is to find Tang Tian's whereabouts first, and then talk to Yancheng. One cry."

"Yeah." Yun Jin nodded.

"Smart." Shen Jiwei touched her lips, "This method is very good."

When Song Yancheng arrived at the police station, Xiao Gao stepped forward and said, "Police Officer Song, I have actually tuned out all the surveillance videos of the past few days. I really didn't find Tang Tian."

"Impossible. As long as she has appeared, she will definitely leave a record."

"However, even though the Jingzhou City is under surveillance, there are always some areas that are blind spots for surveillance. What if every place she walks is blind spots?"

"It can't be such a coincidence." Song Yancheng said, but he was also a little worried. After Tang Tian talked with his mother, her mother must play the family card so that she would leave willingly.

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