Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2553: A lifetime thing

"Well, don't tell Tang Tian for now." Shen Jiwei suggested.

"Do you even want to keep it from her?" Song Yancheng said, "I don't think she should be the problem."

"The more people know, the worse it is. Let's talk about it at the last minute. Otherwise, if you want to use this method, it will be really useless."

Song Yancheng made sense when he thought about it, and said, "That's about to start."

After Chen Yunshu left, Shen Jiwei and Song Yancheng went upstairs again.

Seeing the two sons appearing at the same time, Mother Song was very happy: "Has Ji Wei eat it? I'm going to warm up your dishes."

"No need for mom." Shen Jiwei sat down and asked Mother Song to sit down, before saying, "I still want to talk about Yancheng."

"What's wrong with Yancheng?" Mother Song asked in a hurry.

"Mom, you must know who we are now, and who Chen Yunshu is."

"I know this. Now you and Yancheng are both well-known. Everyone knows that you are the children of the president but did not criticize you. This is also rare. Both you and Yancheng's career are on the rise, so Yancheng is more Need help. After all, you already have Yunjin, but Yancheng still doesn't have anything." Song Yuxue said earnestly.

"Do you think Chen Yunshu is good?"

"Of course not bad. Chen Yunshu's father is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Communications, and your father is also a recognized person. If Yancheng and Yunshu can be combined, this is a great thing." Song Mu said, "You are all my sons, I I definitely hope you are all well."

Shen Jiwei shook his head and said lightly: "Mom, when I didn't know who the father of Yancheng and I were before, do you think anyone can see us?"

"This..." Mother Song hesitated a little.

Shen Jiwei said: "I used to be Shen Bingwang's son. Everyone looked down on me. They thought I would do bad things and I would become the next Shen Bingwang. Therefore, even people like General Wu were always on guard against me. Make things difficult. Before I wanted to start a company, I was constantly opposed. If it weren't for Yunjin and Lu's help, I might still be struggling in the quagmire."

Mother Song sighed: "Yes, Yun Jin really helped you very well, and is also a powerful helper for your career. But Yancheng is still alone, and no one can help him well and become his good helper. So Chen Yunshu is not Is it right?"

"Mom, the problem lies here. When we were looked down upon by everyone, where is Chen Yunshu? Now that we are the son of the president, and who we are, who are the first to come out to please and cling to? In the past, when Yancheng was not He Feng’s son, people in the police station used and framed him, but now?"

Mother Song hesitated even more, she hadn't thought about it so much before, but she didn't want to see her son's great career hindered.

Now that Shen Jiwei said so, she felt a little at ease.

But she was still a little biased towards Chen Yunshu, saying: "But Chen Yunshu is not like this person, doesn't Tang Tian also know who Yancheng's father is? Whoever wants to cling to it is still unclear. Which one is sincere. Actually, it's hard to tell which one is deliberate."

"Yes, so I have seen people's hearts for a long time. Mom, Yancheng's marriage event is related to his life's emotional event. You don't want him to be used, right?" Shen Jiwei asked.

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