Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2594: I want to cry

"One..." Mo Yanbai downplayed and began to count.

"Okay, okay, I'll take it off." Li Qingchen took off the wig, threw it aside, and said, "Now is the head office?"

"Sure." Mo Yanbai also put down the pusher, looked at Li Qingchen's body in the mirror, and said, "Don't you think that short hair is more suitable for you? Why don't you have such beautiful facial features and forehead?"

Mo Yanbai's tone was very weak, he didn't even look into her eyes to speak, but made an objective evaluation in the mirror.

But Li Qingchen unexpectedly felt that his heartbeat was speeding up. He raised his eyes and glanced at his body, and found that the hair he still has now is really suitable for his facial features.

It's just a pity that she has long hair, and she doesn't know what Han Jingxin will say when she arrives.

"Mo Yanbai, I want to talk to you." She has a lot to ask him, about the Han family, and about how the two of them were switched back.

"Okay, I'm about to have a cup of coffee too." Mo Yanbai was also tired, especially when facing the bitter and mean Mrs. Han and Han Meng.

The two people found a cafe and sat down.

Compared to Mo Yanbai's casual and natural, Li Qingchen looked like a thief, sneaking into the cafe, and opening a magazine to cover his face as soon as he sat down.

Mo Yanbai grabbed her magazine and threw it aside.

"Hey, don't touch my things." Li Qingchen said angrily, holding the magazine again and covering his face.

"This is a high-level club. Only people with VIP membership cards can come in. You can rest assured that you will not be seen by your in-laws or Han Jingxin."

Mo Yanbai was immediately pricked in his mind, Li Qingchen's tone was ambiguous: "I am a married woman, and I must avoid suspicion. This is the basic rule."

"But your husband didn't follow this basic rule."

"You nonsense!" Li Qingchen immediately retorted, "Mo Yanbai, don't think that you can slander people around me if you occupy my body now. I ask you to respect your elders and respect your elders when you are in the Han family. My husband. Now tell me what happened last night and this morning."

"It's very simple. Your husband went to find another woman last night. This morning your mother-in-law and your sister-in-law said that your husband is going to divorce you."

Li Qingchen flushed his eyes and said, "Mo Yanbai, what have you done? Why are you ruining my family and my life? What are you doing?"

She spoke with grief and burst into tears. If she was still using her body, it would be fine.

The key is that she is using Mo Yanbai's body now, and it looks like Mo Yanbai is crying.

Mo Yanbai has always shed blood without tears, but now he shed tears in the crowd, and immediately attracted the guests next to him to look over here.

Mo Yanbai was immediately embarrassed and said in a low voice, "Hey, Li Qingchen, I warn you not to cry."

"I want to cry. You messed up my life. Why can't I cry?" Li Qingchen cried even more out of breath. "I grew up in an orphanage, and it was only when I was four years old. I was adopted by the Li family, and later returned to the orphanage by their family. I have no home since I was a child. You don’t understand the feeling of gaining and losing, gaining and losing again and again..."

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