Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2663: Explain to me!

Li Qingchen couldn't hear what Li's father was saying on the other side, but she could guess how happy Li's father was.

How could Mo Yanbai make such a call? Can he do anything for money?

Li Qingchen suddenly opened the door and rushed to Mo Yanbai.

Mo Yanbai hung up the phone and smiled: "So early? But it's not too early to watch the show, let's go."

"Mo Yanbai, why did you call my dad? I gave you the land. I said that it can only be used for education, not for commercial profit. Why did you deceive me? Why did you agree to the land? Give it to him?" Li Qingchen was trembling with anger, tears streaming down involuntarily, and there were bursts of dull pain in his heart.

"It's not what you think it is."

"What is that, please explain to me!" Li Qingchen endured tears, but tears still flew.

Mo Yanbai couldn't bear to see her like this, but she was also very unhappy. She didn't even have this kind of trust. In her heart, is she really not worthy of trust?

"Li Qingchen, I'll give you two hours. In these two hours, please just read it and don't say a word. If I am wrong, I will apologize to you and return it to you. Song Yancheng is in charge, and I won't intervene any more. If you are wrong..."

"If it's me wrong, I'll be a cow and a horse, and promise you any terms! Never break my promise!" Li Qingchen gritted her teeth and said, she really hopes she was wrong, so at least, Mo Yanbai is still trustworthy. Will not give it to anyone casually.

Mo Yanbai glanced at her, Li Qingchen was hurt by his eyes, and looked back fiercely.

Isn't Mo Yanbai hurt by her distrust?

I originally thought that this tacit understanding should be there, but who knew that she would still be worried, worried, and felt that he had ulterior motives for her land.

Mo Yanbai turned back to the room, quickly changed his clothes, and walked out.

Li Qingchen bit his lip and followed out.

In the car, Li Qingchen was still driving.

Mo Yanbai continued to call Father Li: "Dad, the address has already been sent to you. I am also on the way to go right away. Jingxin drank too much last night. When I helped him to rest, the ID might fall beside him. It just so happens, let him witness the matter that I transferred the land to you today."

Hearing what he said, Li Qingchen's heart dropped a little bit. Is he really planning to do this?

Li Qingchen has already signed the land to Mo Yanbai. Now, no matter whose body Mo Yanbai uses, it is a very simple matter to change the land. After all, he can operate it casually, and he has a lot of people. There is no need for complicated procedures.

Father Li was very happy on the other end of the phone: "Well, I will come here, I will come right away."

He hung up the phone and found both Li's mother and his son Li Dong. For fear of Li Qingchen's regrets, he went to the hotel with several managers and bosses in the company.

Li's mother suggested: "It is best to call Mrs. Han, Han Jingxin and Han Meng as a witness because there are many people."

"Good." Father Li called immediately.

"Where is Li Xue? Where did you go?" Li Mu asked.

"Last night I said that I was dining with my friend and then staying with my friend. You immediately call her and ask her to come back." Father Li arranged.

Then a group of people rushed to the hotel mightily.

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