"Miss Wan, are you okay?" the servant asked.

"It's okay, just when I went down the stairs, I fell a bit. I couldn't sleep at night, so I went out and walked around." Wan Dandan said.

The servant was busy helping her: "Miss Wan, I will take you back to the room."

"Okay, thank you. Fortunately, I have you here. Otherwise, I don't know what to do." Wan Dandan asked her to hold her back, but pretended to be unstable, and knocked the servant down, sending out a lot.的声动.

"I'm sorry, I blamed me for not standing firm." Wan Dandan said hurriedly.

The servant was hurt by the fall, but she didn't blame her. Besides, Wandandan was always sensible and polite, and the servants all had a good impression of her.

In Mo Yanbai's room, he was finally shocked, the door opened and Mo Yanbai walked out.

He was talking to Li Qingchen. Li Qingchen obviously wanted to escape. When she heard the noise outside, she immediately changed the subject.

Mo Yanbai had to come out.

When Wan Dandan saw him, his face was full of guilt: "Sorry, Brother Xiaobai, didn't you bother you?"

"what happened?"

"I accidentally fell a while ago, the servant came to help me, and I accidentally took her down." Wan Dandan said with a cry, "I blame me for being out of time. I still drink water at this point. Ouch, My feet can't go...but Brother Xiaobai is fine, I can go back to the room myself."

After she finished speaking, she "limped" to her room.

But after only two steps, he fell to the ground again.

The servant went to help, but he didn't even help.

What Wandandan hopes is that Mo Yanbai can hug herself back to the room, so that she can stay with him for a while.

She whispered and said, "My leg is really unbelievable. I used to sprain. The eldest brother said, don’t move after a sprain. He always carries me back. Now the eldest brother is gone, I miss him so much."

Mo Yanbai frowned slightly, stepped forward, bending over and squatting in front of her.

Li Qingchen saw this situation at the door and turned back to the room. There were some things that he didn't want to see, so he didn't have to force himself to see it.

Wandandan was so happy, he whispered: "Brother Xiaobai..."

Mo Yanbai didn't do anything, let alone hugging her, his expression was as calm as if nothing had happened.

He just glanced and knew that there was nothing wrong with her leg.

His knowledge of human bones, coupled with long-term sightings of various bruises and sprains, and accustomed to all kinds of big and small injuries from the criminal police team, let him see through her disguise at a glance.

"Brother Xiaobai, go and rest, don't worry about me, I'll just go back by myself..." Wandandan said shyly, facing Mo Yanbai and then looking at her, she immediately tilted her head slightly to best herself The side face that I saw was displayed in front of Mo Yanbai.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yanbai would pick up himself immediately and return to the room.

Who knows, the reality is that Mo Yanbai responded straightforwardly: "Okay."

After speaking, he got up and went straight back to the room, not even noticing Wandandan's incredible and injured expression.

Wan Dandan was about to cry, the servant hurriedly came to help her: "Miss Wan, let me help you back to the room..."

"No, I'll go back by myself." Wan Dandan laughed more ugly than crying. After such a big joy, Mo Yanbai received the word "good". What kind of evil did he do?

When Mo Yanbai returned to the room, Li Qingchen was already asleep on the bed.

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