Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2748: But let her go~

"Yeah." Mo Yanbai replied, "I and I are going to rest early in the morning. Let's rest early."

"Brother Xiaobai..." Wandandan wanted to say more.

"Wantandan, call me my name. Your eldest brother used to call me by my name, or the boss, you can call me just like him. I treat you like him." Mo Yanbai is serious Looked at her.

Wan Dandan's face flushed awkwardly, clutching the corners of his clothes, as if he was uncomfortable with his mind being seen through.

Mo Yanbai said, "For your eldest brother, the Mo family will treat you kindly."

After speaking, he took Li Qingchen's hand and went upstairs together.

But the meaning in his words couldn't be more clear, for the sake of Wan Jingfeng, he would treat her kindly.

So everything she got now was because of Wan Jingfeng who died, not because of other things, let alone any pity for her personally.

This is the principle and also his bottom line.

Mo Lian smiled and said, "Go, Dandan, don't let your big brother down."

Bantendan is even more embarrassed.

However, she became more determined to stay.

The more she was treated like this, the more she fought and bravered.

Because she knew that this was her only and only last chance.

Once the Mo family moved out, it was absolutely impossible to move back in the future.

"Mo Lian, you should rest early. You have been working hard all day. I remember what Big Brother Mo said just now. I will do things well and I will be able to afford my big brother." Wan Dandan finished speaking and turned around. floor.

Mo Lian shook his head without saying anything.

Mo Yanbai and Li Qingchen went upstairs and just closed the door. He would hold her on the door and ask for a kiss.

I just wanted to kiss lightly, but who knew that when I kissed him, I became unable to extricate myself, and gradually developed a kiss into a prairie fire.

Li Qingchen whispered softly: "I haven't taken a bath yet..."

"Let's wash it later." Mo Yanbai's voice became hoarse and vague, "Anyway, even if I wash it... I have to wash it again."

The meaning in his words couldn't be clearer, and Li Qingchen would never be spared tonight.

That night last night, he released the instinct he had accumulated for more than 30 years in his life. This instinct is like the animal nature of animals. Once released, it is absolutely impossible to take it back.

All those abstinence and restraint before her collapsed into ashes.

At this moment, he just wanted to take her apart and eat her, it was absolutely impossible to let her go.

Li Qingchen forgot how he was put on the bed.

I only know that when I woke up early the next morning, it was the same time as yesterday.

For her who is used to getting up early, she can imagine how unprecedented it is.

Fortunately, it's not too late to go to the company, and her recent outstanding performance makes her time much more free.

"I don't have to go out to see clients these days, early in the morning." Chu Rufeng walked to her, "In the next period of time, our focus of work may change, because... a client voluntarily asked to see us. "

"Really?" Li Qingchen was very happy.

"Yes, because the customers we met a few days ago were very satisfied with our plan, especially the one you made, so some customers have begun to hope to contact us, cooperate with us, and let you provide detailed plans. "Chu Rufeng was happy and admired.

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