Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2750: Left behind

Li Qingchen only then remembered that after she exchanged bodies with Mo Yanbai before, Mo Yanbai had cooperated with Mr. Tan. She had heard Mo Yanbai mentioned it at the time.

It's no wonder that Mr. Tan is so amiable, he should have had a good conversation with Mo Yanbai.

"However, I have seen Ms. Jiang's plan and did a good job." Mr. Tan said, "Your company has a lot of talents, so I want to talk to you all."

From his point of view, no matter who you work with is okay, anyway, they all belong to the same company. He will naturally choose whoever has a good plan.

Only from Li Qingchen's internal perspective, whoever can win the customer will be able to gain a better foothold.

Jiang Fen immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Tan passed the award. I am very happy to see Mr. Tan today. Regarding the project, I think we can talk in more detail and cooperate with Mr. Tan's comments."

Mr. Tan was indeed very interested in her plan, and talked to her in detail.

However, Li Qingchen felt that something was wrong as she listened. The content of their conversations was very familiar. Obviously, she made a plan by herself and planned to chat with Mr. Tan on the spot today.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Chu Rufeng whispered: "Early morning, what's wrong?"

"The plan Jiang Fen and Mr. Tan talked about should be what I did. I don't know why, she first gave it to Mr. Tan in advance." Li Qingchen quickly guessed that Jiang Fen was touching his hands and feet in secret. Use your own computer.

"I'll talk to Mr. Tan." Chu Rufeng said immediately.

Chu Rufeng really only came into contact with these work matters. Without experience, Li Qingchen immediately grabbed him: "No, you tell Mr. Tan like this. Didn't you tell him that the internal management of our company is chaotic, and how could he really be true? Feel free to cooperate with us? Besides, even if Mr. Tan can understand, how can we prove that this is my plan?"

Chu Rufeng thought about it, he still had too little experience.

But even though the company is owned by the Chu family, whoever does business is the same, Jiang Fen is like this, it is still too much, is it just to watch her take away the performance that originally belonged to her and Li Qingchen?

Li Qingchen said softly, "I can only try it."

In fact, there are still more exciting things left in her plan. This is a way to keep things behind.

Just look at the trick she kept for a while, can she convince Mr. Tan.

Mr. Tan had a good chat with Jiang Fen, and he was very satisfied with her plan.

He turned his head to look at Li Qingchen, and said with a smile: "Miss Li, I didn't expect that Miss Jiang's plan is also very good. Now I want to hear what Miss Li thinks."

Jiang Fen looked at Li Qingchen with a smile on his face. Now even if Li Qingchen knows that he has suffered a dumb loss, there is no evidence that things will not happen.

This is what Jiang Fen bet on. The bet is that Li Qingchen can't make trouble or dare to make trouble, and it won't help.

Li Qingchen smiled slightly: "Yes, in fact, many of my views and practices are the same as Miss Jiang. I don't think I need to talk about the previous part of the plan, but I want to add one more point..."

Jiang Fen immediately smiled and said, "Early morning, are you planning to use all my plans and add a little more content?"

"That's not the case. But your plan is already perfect. I think I just need to add a little bit." Li Qingchen smiled.

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