Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2768: Think about children

"Yes, Xiaobai has always been busy, and he is also a career-oriented person. It's just early in the morning. You have been married for a while. Shouldn't you think about your children?" Mrs. Mo asked with concern.

This topic made Li Qingchen stunned slightly.

The child is really a very big thing, let alone she hasn't thought about it, she didn't even think about it before.

Especially when Mo Yanbai's attitude towards her was unclear before, she had made plans to leave.

It's better now, but still dare not want Mo Yanbai's child.

"Grandma, he is very busy, so we..." Li Qingchen was busy trying to put down the topic.

"Xiaobai is busy, isn't he always so busy? There are many things in the Mo family, and he will continue to be busy in the future. But Xiaobai is already in his early thirties, no matter how busy he is, he is so old. It's time to have a baby, isn't it?" Mrs. Mo said.

Wan Dandan was a little surprised on the side. She originally said those things today to make Mrs. Mo dissatisfied with Li Qingchen, but Mrs. Mo didn't express his dissatisfaction. She just urged Li Qingchen to have a child?

People like Bantendan never understand what kind people are thinking in their minds.

Li Qingchen had no choice but to say with a smile: "Grandma, this question is just plain meaningless."

"Don't worry, I will tell him when he comes back." Mrs. Mo said.

She didn't want to destroy the relationship between the two of them, but only wanted Li Qingchen to be more stable.

With children, Li Qingchen shouldn't think about other things so much.

Wan Dandan was very depressed when he heard it and said, "Sister-in-law, have you ever thought of having a baby before? Have you been pregnant before?"

"Of course not!" Li Qingchen looked at her, "Dandan, what do you mean by this, why don't I understand?"

Bantendan didn't dare to provoke Li Qingchen head-on, and said with a smile: "I'm just talking casually, nothing else."

"Then you'd better not say anything in the future. Instead, it's not me, it's someone else, so I should be angry and slap you." Li Qingchen actually knows that Wandandan is now a little better, but she is also looking at Wanjingfeng. , Has been enduring Wandandan.

But these last words also showed her attitude.

Wandandan looked at Mrs. Mo and then at Li Qingchen.

Mrs. Mo had never been involved in these matters and didn't protect Wandandan.

Bantentan was very disappointed.

After Li Qingchen went upstairs, she couldn't help but whispered: "Grandma, I don't have any bad intentions. Why did my sister-in-law treat me like this?"

"Some things should be said, some things shouldn't be said," said Mrs. Mo, "you are young, so learn to speak more."

Wandandan's slumped mouth.


Mo Yanbai handled things in the company.

I was a little busy today, and he didn't pick up Li Qingchen on time.

But she had already called her, and Li Qingchen also responded to him.

After he was busy, the assistant came to him and said softly: "Master, the new house has been bought, it is in a good location, and it is very livable. It is more than enough for three people to live in. Will the people of Wanjia be settled in now?"

"First, soothe the emotions of the father and mother," Mo Yanbai said.

Wan Jingfeng died for him, and Mo Yanbai would never ignore the Wan family.

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