Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2773: The chance of pregnancy is slim

She wants to go to the hospital for an examination.

After Mrs. Mo had talked about her child before, although she hadn't discussed it with Mo Yanbai, she had already taken the matter to heart.

If you really want a child, a physical examination must be done in advance.

She has no experience herself, but she has heard other people say it.

Li Qingchen went to the hospital with anxiety.

After the doctor checked her, he handed her the report: "Miss Li, are you preparing for pregnancy now?"

"Yes, not really. I just got married. I just want to know what preparations are needed if I want to get pregnant, and how my body should be treated." Li Qingchen asked softly.

"Ms. Li, you have a cold body, and your body is very weak, and you have not paid attention to maintenance before. The examination shows that your physical condition is not very good, and it may be more difficult to conceive." The doctor said regretfully.

"Why is this? I am in good health." Li Qingchen was a little worried.

"The health condition depends on the results of the examination. Have you been in bad condition during your period before, and you are not punctual, and the pain will be unbearable during each period?" the doctor asked.

Li Qingchen heard the doctor's words not bad, and his heart shook, and his fingertips couldn't help shaking.

"Miss Li, take good care of it. If you get pregnant in a few years, you may still have a chance, but now the chance is really not good." The doctor was also very sorry.

Li Qingchen folded his hands and held his fingers: "Is the chance of getting pregnant?"

The doctor shook his head: "Not too big."

Li Qingchen didn't know how she got out of the hospital. The sun outside was dazzling and dazzled.

The doctor's words still echoed in her mind every word, making her feel sad.

When I returned to Mo’s house, Wandandan was talking to Mrs. Mo: “Today I went to see the house with Big Brother Mo. The house is really good...”

Seeing Li Qingchen coming back, she deliberately shut up and stopped talking.

However, Li Qingchen was in a bad mood and didn't care what she said.

At dinner in the evening, because Mrs. Mo had something to tell Mo Yanbai, she also ate together.

Seeing that Li Qingchen's face was not so good, Mo Yanbai asked softly, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, maybe a little tired." Li Qingchen said softly.

"At that time, rest early after eating," Mo Yanbai whispered.

Mrs. Mo smiled and said: "Xiaobai, I'm just saying I have something to tell you. You and Qingchen have been married for so long, and you are not too young. In our entire family, you are the eldest, everyone is called You say a big brother. But look now, you have children younger than you, and you are the only one who has just stabilized. But now that it has stabilized, is it time to get children on the agenda?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Qingchen's face changed slightly. She hadn't told Mo Yanbai about the results of the examination today. Now in front of outsiders, it is difficult for her to mention it directly to Mrs. Mo.

When Mo Yanbai heard this, he smiled and said, "Grandma, it is natural to have children when you are married, so you don't need to worry about it."

"If you have this idea, of course it's good. Look at you, you are in your thirties, and you will be older as soon as you get older, and you can't afford to wait. I finally look forward to your marriage, and grandma is still looking after you What about the child."

Mo Yanbai smiled and said, "Of course it's fine, it's going to be hard work for Grandma."

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