Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2803: Life experience is flying all over the sky

"Dad, are you okay?" Mo Lian patted Mo Chenyi on the back.

"Xiaobai won't do such a thing. He won't." Mo Chenyi remembered the old Mo Yanbai, small, soft, like an innocent little animal, he never brought him back to the Mo family. From the beginning, he regarded him as his own son, and Jian Zhifei took care of him.

Mo Yanbai would never do such a thing.

"Dad, I also believe that Big Brother won't. But the company is very messy now, I almost couldn't keep I ran back. I want mom to come with me." Mo Lian whispered. .

"Go, go." Mo Chenyi said to Jian Zhifei, "You go and help Mo Lian first, don't let Mo Zheng know about these things for now."

"If you need help, Yun Jin and I can also go." Shen Jiwei said.

"I don't need it now, Mo Lian and I will solve it first." Jian Zhifei didn't want to bother them too much.

Shen Jiwei and Yun Jin did not leave, but accompanied Mo Chenyi, which was also convenient to look after.

After Jian Zhifei and Mo Lian came back in the afternoon and brought back the company's account books, they saw that Mo Chenyi had been withdrawing a lot of money from the company's account long ago and transferred them to the United States.

In other words, this matter does not seem to be a temporary intention, but a premeditated one.

"It won't be Xiaobai..." Mo Chenyi continued.

But everything on the account was very clear, except for Mo Yanbai, no one really could use the money.

Many things in the Mo family group, Mo Chenyi delegated power to Mo Yanbai.

Mo Chenyi herself, the most busy thing, is to help Jian Zhifei take care of her fashion clothing industry, and more is to enjoy the life and work time of two people.

He neither cared about Mo Yanbai, but also trusted Mo Yanbai completely.

But now it seems that the entire family group of the Mo family is about to be hollowed out by Mo Yanbai!

Everyone fell into a very depressed mood.

Although Jian Zhifei and Mo Chenyi tried their best to suppress such news.

But after all, Mojia is also a listed company and is responsible to all shareholders and all shareholders.

The news was revealed one after another.

Mo Yanbai emptied the entire Mo family's affairs and spread like wildfire.

Although there is not much criticism in the regular news.

But the whole business community still spread it very strongly in private.

Many people are asking, why is this?

Slowly, Mo Yanbai's life experience was dug out.

This was originally something that the Mo family did not hide, but after many years, everyone has forgotten the true identity of Mo Yanbai, so the outside world rarely tells about his identity.

Now that something like this happened, things about his life experience began to fly all over the sky.

"It turns out that Mo Yanbai was picked up by Mo Chenyi. Mo Yanbai's mother was not a good person at the beginning. No wonder Mo Yanbai would do something like this now. Look, maybe he was already caught by his mother. Mo Chenyi was killed, so he endured it all the time, waiting for the final blow."

"Yes, he used to say that his methods and abilities are first-rate, and everyone in the whole family praises his character... Now it seems that he is really forbearing. After so many years, he has not exposed his own nature, and he is also amazing. Up."

"But the Mo family has raised him for so many years, and he is still like this. Tsk tsk, really a white-eyed wolf."

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