Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2807: It's really him

Manjushri Bodhisattva Square is actually not far from the city, just in the suburbs.

People come and go, it is said to be very effective.

But it was already off work now, and there were only a few people.

Li Qingchen walked in, bowed down a few prayers reverently, praying for everyone in the Mo family in his heart.

When she came out, she was walking on a small road, and she felt her eyes flashed. Several people were chasing someone in front. She felt that the one being chased was a bit familiar, and she couldn't help shouting: "Police, this is it!"

Those who were chasing after hesitated, the one being chased had already got a gap and rolled down the hillside gruntly.

Those few people did not continue to chase, Li Qingchen hurriedly ran down the hillside.

She glanced at the person being chased just now a bit like Mo Yanbai, and her heart pounded.

Although it was unbelievable, she hurried to catch up.

The few people behind him hesitated for a while, and chased them.

Li Qingchen hurriedly helped the person lying on the ground, only then realized that it was really Mo Yanbai!

His face was bloodstained, but with sword eyebrows and stars, who would it be if it wasn't Mo Yanbai?

"Yes, white?" Li Qingchen burst into tears with distress.

Mo Yanbai was only in a coma for a while, and he woke up immediately, seeing clearly that the person in front of him turned out to be Li Qingchen, his eyes flashed with dignity.

"It's really you, white. What's wrong with you?"

"The people behind are chasing us, hurry up..." Mo Yanbai's voice was abnormally hoarse, completely different from his previous clear and steady voice.

Li Qingchen didn't think much about it, and immediately helped him up and ran forward.

He is tall and weighs much heavier than her. Usually Li Qingchen can't bear his weight at all, but at this moment, she doesn't know where the strength is coming from, and she helps him to run forward.

Mo Yanbai's leg limped, and it was much harder for the two of them to compare with the others behind.

But fortunately, this is a suburban road with many hiding places. In anxious situation, Li Qingchen took Mo Yanbai into a cellar behind the hillside.

The cellar is surrounded by long grass, very suitable for hiding.

Li Qingchen also came to play in the suburbs when he was in the orphanage before. Only then did he know that there are such cellars in this place. Some farmers in the suburbs used to store sweet potatoes, but now the suburbs have also been developed. These cellars have long been vacant. Up.

The sound of footsteps followed, Li Qingchen held Mo Yanbai's hand tightly, and heard the people outside approaching, his heart was about to jump out.

Mo Yanbai shook her hand with his backhand, leaned his head on top of her head, and his breath passed through her ears into her heart little by little.

The sound of footsteps outside was getting closer, and the few people who followed were all tall and mammoth, and now Mo Yanbai was seriously injured, and Li Qingchen had no strength to bind the chicken, and was dangerous, and was approaching a little bit.

Li Qingchen held his breath and leaned on Mo Yanbai. At this moment, the two were extremely close, and there was no barrier.

But obviously, the danger is approaching so that they don't have the mind to pay attention to these.

In normal times, there is no need to solve these few people, so it's easy.

It's just that he has been seriously injured at this moment, it is impossible to head-on.

In the darkness, each other's breathing was clearly audible, and the footsteps of people outside hovered nearby, and did not leave.

Li Qingchen was so nervous that his skin shuddered.

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