Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2810: Can't do it

"I will." Mo Lian said softly, "Thank you for taking care of your eldest brother. If you need anything else, I will do it."

Li Qingchen glanced at the drugs. It should be enough for the time being, and said: "You go home first and don't talk about this matter with anyone. After you wake up in vain, you will naturally explain it. I will take care of him here. ."

"Then what if the person who is chasing and killing comes over? Neither of you can resist it." Mo Lian was really worried.

Li Qingchen also thought about this kind of problem. She said softly, "I see those people who dare not go to the city to make trouble. After all, this is Jingzhou City, the capital of country S. There are police everywhere at night. , They don’t dare to appear rashly."

Mo Lian's voice choked for a while: "Okay, please call me if you have anything, I will find someone for help as soon as possible."

"You also be careful." Li Qingchen exhorted.

After sending Mo Lian away, Li Qingchen came back, only to find that Mo Yanbai was still suffering from a severe fever. The anti-fever medicine was given to him, but with such a severe injury, he would definitely continue to have a fever.

She twisted the towel and gave him a wet compress to help him reduce his fever.

He hadn't seen him for a month. He was very thin. On his handsome face, bones were visible, and it became more angular and cold, but it was so thin that it was so distressing.

What did he do?

What are the difficulties?

Li Qingchen didn't want to explore these anymore. She only knew that he was like this at the moment, even if he truly betrayed her, she would not be able to ignore him.

When she was busy until the middle of the night, Mo Yanbai had his fever relieved, and she replaced his wound with the medicine that Mo Lian had brought, and then sat beside him, holding his palm.

It was late at night, and her messy emotions slowly calmed down, and her sleepiness struck, and she fell asleep next to Mo Yanbai.

When Mo Yanbai woke up, it was already early the next morning.

He opened his eyes, and there was a burst of severe pain on his body, and he turned his head to see Li Qingchen on the side.

She had probably cried, her eyes were still a little red and swollen, she leaned on his wrist and pulled him tightly, as if she was afraid he would run away.

Mo Yanbai curled his lips and smiled, but then the worry came to his face.

He pulled out his hand and placed it on one of her hair, stroking it lightly.

Li Qingchen woke up slowly and saw Mo Yanbai's face as soon as she opened her eyes. She hurriedly sat up and asked in a low voice: "Yanbai, do you still hurt? Is it better? I'll get you the medicine again. ."

"No." Mo Yanbai took her to sit down, and she was anxious about him, already contenting him.

Yesterday, he also thought that he would not be able to escape, because her arrival helped him and gave him strength.

"Mo Lian took the medicine. Some of your wounds are serious and really need more treatment. I didn't know what to do last night, so I had to help you deal with some injuries based on experience. I don't know if you have any other injuries. Hurt." Li Qingchen was really worried, with a nasal voice in his voice, enduring his own discomfort.

"My own body, I know it." Mo Yanbai whispered, "How did you move out? Why didn't you live in Mo's house?"

"Didn’t you ask Wandandan to hand in the divorce agreement to me? At that time, she said in front of everyone that I was cheating on Chu Rufeng and causing you trouble. I didn’t want the reputation of Mo’s family to be damaged, so I signed it. Agreement."

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