Xiang Yongping is simple-minded, so she is easily deceived.

Xiang Yongping couldn't help but said, "Why don't you let her marry Bai Wenping?"

"No." Chen Haiming rebuffed, "That Bai Wenping, for doing such a thing, I have sent someone to break his leg."

"Huh? Interrupted?" Xiang Yongping was surprised.

Chen Haiming said coldly: "How can he be qualified to marry Meixin? He insulted Meixin and has to pay the price."

Seeing that he interrupted Bai Wenping's leg, Xiang Yongping finally believed that he was not partial to Yunwei, and that he did not leave Bai Wenping to Yunwei.

Her mood gradually improved.

Chen Haiming said something else before he said: "Don't come to Yun's house next time, so as not to make people doubt, go back, and wait for you to become the real wife. Are there any places you can't go to?"

Xiang Yongping was also coaxed by Chen Haiming, very happy and looking forward to it.

Xiang Yongping's face is bright when he thinks that he will live the life of a wealthy lady.

However, she turned to say: "In the past few days, the child Haoxuan doesn't know where he has gone. Did he call you?"

Only then did Chen Haiming remember that, indeed, he hadn't seen Chen Haoxuan for a few days.

Compared to Chen Meixin, Chen Haoxuan is Chen Haiming's true heart.

He immediately said: "I will find him, you go back first."

Xiang Yongping left with satisfaction.

Chen Haoxuan made a big mistake. He has been hiding outside to avoid the limelight these days. Where would he dare to come back?

He originally wanted to frame Yun Wei, who knew that he didn't succeed in the frame, but instead caused Chen Meixin to suffer. He had already scared Liushen Wuzhu.

Naturally, Chen Haiming didn’t know that the good thing this time was done by his precious son, and he was still thinking that without Chen Meixin, Chen Haoxuan would be his successor. It’s not bad. Compared to his daughter, he is a straight man. Cancer patients prefer sons who can pass on the family line.

Yun Wei went to Lu Zhanting's side, met Grandpa, and talked with him for a while.

Fortunately, Lu Zhanting was not there. He heard from Lu Tian that Lu Zhanting had work to deal with, and he did not stay here.

Yun Wei was happy, and without Lu Zhanting harassing her, she could accompany her grandpa for a while, and she could do her own things freely.

When it was almost evening, the servant was busy cleaning up and arranging dinner for Yun Wei.

Yun Wei guessed that Lu Zhanting was about to return, and said that she would not stay for dinner, and ran away with wind.

It made the servants very inexplicable, could it be said that Miss Yun family disliked Lu family food?

But it can't...every time she came here before, she ate very happily.

Yun Wei didn't care much about this, and went directly to An Qi.

During this period of time, there was Chen Meixin, and Yunwei's nerves had been tense. Although everything did not allow Chen Meixin to take advantage of it, the effort required was not small.

Now that the rare matter of Chen Meixin has been resolved, Yun Wei is eager to find An Qi to go for a stroll, and have a lot of fun.

As for not going out with Lu Zhanting, it was because Lu Zhanting always liked to do the same thing. That thing took Yunwei's energy and physical strength too much, so Yunwei didn't like to play with him very much.

She sent a text message to Lu Zhanting, briefly talking about her own arrangements and whereabouts, and then shut down the phone, lest Lu Zhanting call back for a while.

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