"I said your brain is broken! It's broken!" Li Qingchen said coldly, lowering her voice to prevent Mrs. Mo from hearing, "Don't you know what to do and what not to do, don't you? After staying with Mo Yanbai for so long, didn't you learn a little bit, but you learned it badly?"

Wandandan was anxious and yelled loudly: "I only know that grandma is good to me. I am pregnant now. Come and tell grandma what's wrong? This is true, and it is true that you divorced Brother Mo. Could it be me Are you trying to hide it? Who is the bad one?"

"I won't quarrel with you, let me go out!" Li Qingchen pushed her out.

Wandandan was scrupulous about the child in his stomach, and did not face her head-on.

Li Qingchen closed the door and said to the caregiver on the side: "Next time you see this person named Wandandan coming, you can't let her in, let alone let her be near the old lady."

"Okay, Miss Li." The nurse responded hurriedly.

Li Qingchen sat down, and Mrs. Mo asked again: "What did Dandan say? What is the divorce and pregnancy? What's the matter? What happened to Xiaobai?"

Old lady Mo was full of anxiety and asked very anxiously.

Li Qingchen hurriedly calmed her: "Everyone is fine with nothing. There is nothing. Grandma, don't worry."

Mrs. Mo was suspicious: "Then don't lie to me."

"I didn't lie to you, grandma, how could I lie to you?" Li Qingchen laughed and coaxed. Now Mo Yanbai and Mo Yanbai's divorce with her, Mo Zheng and Mo Lian tried to avoid talking in front of her.

"Is it okay between you and Xiao Bai? Nothing happened to Xiao Bai, right? Tell me honestly!" Mrs. Mo firmly grasped Li Qingchen's hand, looking very worried.

"Really, there is nothing, Xiao Bai is fine, and we are fine too." Li Qingchen continued to comfort.

If it is mentioned that Wandandan is pregnant, it is bound to talk about the divorce between Li Qingchen and Mo Yanbai, and then it will be said that Mo Yanbai betrayed the Mo family. This risk, Li Qingchen can only do anything. Did not say.

Let the old lady think that everything is exactly the same as before, no change.

Mrs. Mo's situation is sometimes up and down, because she is afraid that she will be irritated when she hears it, especially when Mo Yanbai's break with the Mo family has caused such a big trouble, that she is afraid she can't bear it.

"Okay, okay." Mrs. Mo muttered again, her expression calming down.

When Li Qingchen left the ward, Wandandan hadn't left yet.

Wan Dandan said coldly: "Li Qingchen, even if you drive me, you can't drive away. I am pregnant with Mo Yanbai's child. How can I not let the old lady know?"

"Wandandan, don't think I don't know. You are now coming to your grandma to talk about this, just because your grandma is unconscious, and you want your grandma to think that you are pregnant with Mo Yanbai's child, and you and Mo Yanbai have cultivated a positive result. Don't think that I don't know that your purpose of doing this is just for grandma's inheritance!" Li Qingchen said, seeing through Wandandan's thoughts at a glance.

Wandandan was a little bit ashamed and angry when she saw it through: "What about my inheritance? Her inheritance would have been given to Brother Mo. Now that I have children of Brother Mo, I naturally want to share it. ."

"It's really funny." Li Qingchen snorted. "Everyone knows that Mo Yanbai broke with the Mo family, and that it caused the Mo family to lose a lot, and the company was unsustainable. How could grandma's inheritance be given to him? Er? As for you, it's impossible!"

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