Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2880: Grandma is gone

"Grandma is gone." Mo Lian cried, holding Li Qingchen, tears streaming down her eyes.

Mo Yanbai walked to the door and saw Old Lady Mo's kind face, with peace and quiet.

Come to think of it, the reason why she was so energetic just now is really back to light.

And now, she can be regarded as leaving without regrets.

Mo Chenyi patted Mo Zheng on the shoulder: "Grandma walked without pain and no regrets, so please stop crying to send her away. Go to the doctor and funeral home staff."

Everyone knows that Mo Chenyi is not without grief, but what he said also makes sense.

The deceased is gone, and the living must continue.

The funeral of Mrs. Mo was soon held.

At the funeral, many relatives and friends came.

However, the person who presided over the funeral was originally Mo Yanbai, but he appeared the latest.

Everyone knew about Mo Yanbai and the Mo family, and the gazes that looked at Mo Yanbai also contained all kinds of criticism.

Mo Zheng didn't care to breathe with him and dealt with things back and forth.

But Yun Jin couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily: "Why is he doing this? Grandma Mo's funeral, he will be the last one to show up at the funeral, so grandma is so kind to him!"

She stepped forward to argue with him, and Shen Jiwei grabbed her hand: "Alright, Yun Jin, don't let Grandma Mo go uneasy."

Yun Jin remembered the last time and had already argued with him once, and blamed him for not visiting the sick old lady.

At that time, she knew that the eldest brother who was once could no longer go back now.

She sighed and gave up the idea of ​​looking for him.

Shen Jiwei grabbed her shoulders and said softly: "Let's go and worship Grandma Mo."

At the end of the funeral, a patter of rain fell in the sky.

The whole sky was a bit gloomy and gloomy.

Mo Chenyi stopped Mo Yanbai: "Master Mo, there is still something to tell you here. In the morning, you will stay too."

Mo Yanbai also happened to have something to find Mo Chenyi, and stopped.

Arriving in a conference room, the lawyer walked in and said: "This is the will left by Mrs. Mo. The will was left when she was sober, so it is all valid and has been notarized. Now, all the parties are present. Here, I want to announce the will on behalf of Mrs. Mo."

Mo Chenyi nodded: "Declare it."

"Mrs. Mo accumulated a lot of wealth during her lifetime, including cash, jewelry, real estate, stocks, etc." said the lawyer.

Mo Lian and Mo Zheng both lowered their heads. They would rather grandma live well than just have these.

But the fact is the fact, and no one can change it.

The lawyer sorted out Mrs. Mo's inheritance item by item.

Mrs. Mo and Mrs. Mo were both intellectuals when they were young, but these years, they have always held shares and dividends in the Mo family. In addition, they also have high financial quotient. His legacy is considerable, worth billions.

"These properties are divided into four shares, one for Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhifei."

"One copy for Mo Zheng."

"One for Mo Lian."

"One copy for Mo Yanbai and Li Qingchen."

Mrs. Mo was generous and fair, and distributed the inheritance behind her to her sons, daughter-in-law and grandchildren in the most fair way.

In fact, Li Qingchen was very surprised that Mrs. Mo even divided the inheritance between Mo Yanbai and herself.

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