Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 291: The only forever

Yun Wei stretched out her pink fist and slammed it gently on his chest.

But how can her strength stand against Lu Zhanting?

What's more, she didn't really want to beat him.

When he was filled up again gently and forcefully, Yun Wei was already dazzled by sweetness, not knowing where she was.

The relationship between the two loves was originally so beautiful, but before Yun Wei, many times, she didn't know how deep and true her love for Lu Zhanting was.

When the turbulent passion ebbs, Yun Wei is already exhausted.

Lu Zhanting hugged her to clean up before putting her back on the bed, hugging her sideways.

Yun Wei was a little sleepy. Although Lu Zhanting didn't eat her many times tonight, she closed her eyes slightly because of emotional issues that consumed her energy.

Leaning on Lu Zhanting's generous chest, she stretched out her slender fingers, grabbed his palm, and whispered: "You are not allowed to say that you are leaving, or I will really ignore you."

"I was not willing to go." Lu Zhanting whispered in her ear.

Yun Wei nodded contentedly: "Just stay with me, okay?"

"I can't ask for it." Lu Zhanting kissed her hair.

Yun Wei closed her eyes and let out a uniform breathing sound in his arms.

Lu Zhanting held her treasuredly, the faces of everyone in the world were blurred in his eyes, only her eyebrows were as clear as pictures.

So to him, she is the only one, the one that is always precious.

From the time he was born, everyone looked exactly the same in his eyes. Everyone had two eyes, one nose, and one mouth, without the slightest difference.

Even his parents, grandparents, who have always treated him well, he couldn't tell how they looked.

He later learned that it was face blindness.

However, with his strong memory and super insight, in kindergarten, he was able to distinguish the difference between each person and each person by relying solely on a person's clothing, hairstyle, tone, and habitual movements.

Yun Wei is the only girl with a clear look in his eyes, among the vast crowd, who can put him in his heart at a glance.

From the moment he saw her, he knew that she was the only love he was destined to be.

His feelings for her were destined to never change from the beginning.

Because, he didn't love her because she was the only girl he could distinguish her looks.

It is because he loves her that she can tell her looks different from other people.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhanting put a smile on his lips.

When Yun Wei got up the next day, her body was warm, because Lu Zhanting cleaned her, and she didn't feel sticky.

Only in the quilt beside him, Lu Zhanting was gone.

She stretched out her hand, and the place where he had lay had become gentle, obviously, he had left early in the morning.

A smile appeared on the corner of her lips, knowing that he had been busy all the time. He carried the responsibility of the Lu family, and he also had many things to be busy.

When this is so busy, he still leaves her as much time as possible.

As for himself, he always avoids him intentionally or unintentionally.

Yun Wei did feel a little guilty about this.

But in the future, such a thing will never happen again.

Thinking of this, she blushed slightly, got up, stretched lazily, and then went to wash.

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