Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2917: I killed your father

Mo Yanbai stood up and asked, "When my father died, there are not many records in the file. But you and Mo Chenyi rose up again, and in the end, you avoided seeing each other. Over the years, disappeared without a trace. How can I dare to believe you?"

Uncle Liang smiled bitterly, and finally stood up.

He looked open and said: "What do you want to ask, just ask."

"In the beginning, my father died because of what. Did you and Mo Chenyi frame him?" Mo Yanbai asked, every word asked, there was a bone pain.

He hated himself for not discovering that his father's death had another cause for so many years.

When he was young, he trusted all the elders around him and everyone in the Mo family.

But when I grew up, I realized that the fact is not so simple.

Some truths, if not ascertained, he knows that his heart will not be at peace for the rest of his life.

Uncle Liang looked at him, and Mo Yanbai in front of him was not such a small child named Xiaobai when he left.

He has grown up, is also sensible, understands a lot, and has the style of Mo Chenyi.

And now, what he wants to investigate should also have a conclusion.

Uncle Liang smiled and said, "Xiao Bai, you are right, your father, it is indeed in my hands."

Mo Yanbai's pupils shrank and his throat choked.

Uncle Liang narrowed his smile and continued: "I killed him. When we were on the mission together, we fought side by side as usual. At the time, he was an undercover agent. Seriously injured. The task at the time was very difficult. We were all exhausted, but we couldn’t complete the task. Later, when we caught the last enemy together, I missed him and killed him. He died before my eyes, I I watched him die...Although this was my unintentional mistake, he died in my hands after all. I killed my brother with my own hands. No matter what, I deserved it."

"Now that you find me, I don’t need to hide it anymore. This matter has tortured me for so many years, but I feel relieved when I say it. Xiaobai, I am sorry for you, which caused you to lose your father and lose It hurts your family, and it hurts your biological mother without any affiliation. It hurts you so much since you were a child..."

"So, punish me as you want, just punish me!"

Uncle Liang said everything, with a relieved smile on his face, closed his eyes, and waited for all the decisions made by Mo Yanbai as he died.

Mo Yanbai's heart was messed up by his words, so he really did his father's death, and he did everything!

He wants to die so easily now in exchange for forgiveness, it is simply impossible!

Mo Yanbai hit him with a punch.

Uncle Liang was knocked to the ground, but there was no resistance.

"This is what I owe you. I killed your father and didn't take care of you. No matter what you do to me, it should be done..." The uncle's calm face did not have the slightest resentment, only guilt and self-blame And deep regret.

But the less he resisted and the simpler he faced this matter, the less Mo Yanbai didn't want to forgive him.

A life and the destruction of a family are such a simple thing in his opinion. If he just died like this, wouldn't it be cheaper for him?

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