Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2926: After he is well, continue to settle accounts

That was the dagger Xue Liangyan carried with him. The dagger was always on his body, and his skill was far beyond those Mo Yanbai's subordinates around him, but he never wanted to escape.

Mo Yanbai threw the problem to Mo Chenyi, how could he watch Mo Chenyi make a difficult choice?

And it is impossible for him to hurt the innocent Li Qingchen because of his own business.

At the critical moment, he took out his dagger and pierced it into his abdomen, choosing to kill himself.

Your own business cannot become a problem for others. Xue Liangyan will never leave the problem to his brother, even the innocent Li Qingchen.

"Uncle Liang!" Li Qingchen ran towards him, and Mo Chenyi ran towards him.

The blood in Xue Liangyan's body poured out, Li Qingchen supported him, and he even supported himself without falling.

Mo Yanbai was also shocked.

The people around were shocked.

Xue Liangyan smiled, looked at Mo Yanbai, and said softly: "Xiaobai, are you satisfied like this? This is a matter between me and you, at least, don't let both Qingchen and Chenyi participate."

He turned the dagger, and the blood fell fiercely.

Mo Chenyi grabbed his hand and stopped him from moving the dagger. If this goes on, the injury will get worse!

"Uncle Liang, stop talking, I'll call the ambulance right away." Li Qingchen was crying. She originally thought that Mo Yanbai could let him go because she took out the knife.

But he didn't expect that Liangshu didn't want to owe anyone at all. He was so responsible, but what happened in the past has become a foregone conclusion. Even if he was seriously injured, it changed the previous facts.

Li Qingchen trembled and called the emergency call and looked at Mo Yanbai: "Mo Yanbai, now that Liangshu is seriously injured, should you be satisfied? What you want is achieved, and Liangshu owes you back to you. No, isn't it?"

Mo Yanbai looked at her, his gaze returned to plainness, and said, "Yes, you really should call, my purpose is not to make him die. He is dead, how can we make up for the remaining sins? When he is healed, we Go ahead and settle the accounts."

"You are too much, my uncle is hurt, you still don't let him go!" Li Qingchen shouted.

"My father lost his life, and he was just injured. My father also lost his entire family for this. What about him? Can a little injury wipe out all the pain?" Mo Yanbai asked.

Li Qingchen bit his lip and stopped answering his words.

Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhifei hurriedly gave Xue Liangyan an emergency stop bleeding.

"Liangyan, why are you so stupid?" Mo Chenyi really felt distressed, "You can't change anything like this."

"At least it can dispel Xiaobai's hatred, can't it?" Xue Liangyan said. He looked at Li Qingchen and smiled, "In the morning, you are stupid. What does this matter have to do with you, why do you hurt yourself for me? ?"

Li Qingchen didn't know why, but felt that no matter how many things he did wrong, he was still a respectable father, a father with a great soul.

She couldn't stand by and watch his affairs.

After the ambulance came over, Xue Liangyan was taken away.

Li Qingchen, Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhifei all followed.

In Mo Yanbai's empty office, he was the only one left.

Standing on this high place, the huge room made his heart very empty, endlessly empty, and empty as if it had no end.

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