Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2964: He hates me to the bone

"Uncle Liang, you finally found your daughter." Doctor Chen patted Liangun's shoulder, happier than him.

Uncle Liang was indeed very excited, his hands trembling with excitement.

He has indeed been searching for more than twenty years, and only he himself knows how many ups and downs he has experienced during these years.

Countless searches finally came to fruition, making him feel the fulfillment of his heart.

Dr. Chen said, "Good Uncle, when do you plan to tell Chen Chen?"

"Wait first." Uncle Liang said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

He worried about Mo Yanbai's problem.

Mo Yanbai hated him very much. He knew this too well. If he knew that Li Qingchen was his daughter, he would not know what other way Mo Yanbai would think of to torture her.

Uncle Liang intends not to say this for now: "Doctor Chen, I want to tell Chen Chen about this matter slowly, please help me keep it secret."

"Okay. We shouldn't talk too much about this matter itself." Doctor Chen smiled, "When your father and daughter recognize each other, come to my house for dinner."

"Good." Uncle Liang answered in one go.

When he went out, he felt that the sky was so blue and the sun was so good, which made people feel relaxed and happy, and his steps became more powerful.

When he arrived at Aunt Liang's side, Aunt Liang was also anxiously waiting for the result: "Good Uncle, what's going on?"

"Yes, early morning is my daughter." Uncle Liang was very excited, all smiles on his face.

"Really, that's great." Aunt Liang was also very happy for him. "Before I blamed me. I always thought that someone else brought me from outside in the early morning, and there was an extra daughter at home, so I didn't tell you clearly in time. Circumstances. Otherwise, you might find early morning."

Uncle Liang is now very satisfied, and smiled: "It has nothing to do with you. Anyway, I used Chenchen as my daughter. Now she is my biological daughter. Everything is fine. For more than 20 years, it is not a waste of time. Up."

"Yes, yes." Aunt Liang was also super happy.

"I just thought that she had suffered so much since she was a child..." Uncle Liang felt distressed again. He didn't expect that after searching all over the country, his daughter was still in Jingzhou City. If he had known it, he would have returned long ago.

Thinking of her daughter's suffering, my uncle couldn't bear it.

And there is another daughter who hasn't been found and doesn't know where.

If she can be alive as early in the morning and live happily, Liangshu will have no regrets.

Aunt Liang said: "Then let's go and tell Chen Chen now. Chen Chen will definitely be very happy."

"No." Uncle Liang stopped her.

"Why? Uncle Liang, you finally found Early Morning, but don't you tell her now?" Aunt Liang asked strangely.

"In these years, I also have enemies, he hates me to the bone..." Because Aunt Liang didn't know about Mo Yanbai, Liangshu simply explained, "If you let him know that Chen Chen is my daughter, it won't be for Chen Chen. cause trouble?"

Aunt Liang thought about it, and asked, "Is he a very powerful enemy? Is he not afraid of calling the police?"

"Forget it, no matter what, a good morning is my greatest happiness, and I don't want to cause her any trouble. So, Aunt Liang, please help me keep a secret for now." Liangshu pleaded.

Aunt Liang agreed in one fell swoop, and said with some regret: "It depends on how hard you found your daughter, but you can't recognize each other..."

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