Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2972: Let her suffer a loss and a lesson

He also knew that Li Qingchen almost married Chu Rufeng last time.

He had seen Chu Rufeng many times, but he really liked this prospective son-in-law.

I just don't know why, it seems that Li Qingchen and Chu Rufeng are very close, but in fact, they always feel very alienated.

Every time Chu Rufeng came here to visit Li Qingchen, he neither stayed overnight nor had any intimate behavior with Li Qingchen.

"That's not necessarily true, Uncle. Now the Chu family is full of things. Mr. Chu doesn't wake up all day, I'm afraid Rufeng also has no intention of getting married." Li Qingchen lightly downplayed the topic with a smile.

Uncle Liang also understood this and said, "Then what are you going to do in the future?"

The daughter is about to have a baby now, and the marriage and the husband's affairs are still intact. Uncle Liang is really uneasy.

Li Qingchen shook his head: "Uncle Liang, you don't care about it for the time being, we will tell you the matter of me and Rufeng after we think about it."

"But this..." How could Liangshu watch them play like this.

Aunt Liang hurriedly pulled Liangshu: "Liangshu, young people have their own plans, don't ask so much."

Li Qingchen is not his father. He asked so much, if Li Qingchen is in a bad mood, it will be bad.

Uncle Liang had to suppress his uneasiness and stopped asking.


After Bantendan had a miscarriage, although he did not come to Li Qingchen for trouble.

But my father and mother have always been puzzled. Li Qingchen miscarried her good daughter. She should have won a son-in-law and could hold her grandson. But now this is the situation. My father and mother love her daughter. , And hate Li Qingchen.

Seeing that the child Li Qingchen was pregnant was about to be born, the more father and mother wanted to get over it.

Mother Wan snorted: "No, this little **** makes our daughter feel bad, and we can't make her feel better. If she doesn't treat her well, I really can't make it in my heart."

"But Yan Bai still defends her very much... If something really happens, we can't afford it." Wanfu still hesitated.

The mother scolded, "What about our daughter? It's just a matter of course. Who caused her to be like this? I don't believe it, she can't be cured!"

Wan Mu did what she said, and listened to someone's introduction, she found a few gangsters who specialize in collecting accounts and gave them a sum of money to scare Li Qingchen.

"Auntie, we can't overdo it and hurt people. But it's okay to scare you a bit." The little **** is also afraid of being responsible.

"Okay. It's okay to be scared anyway." Wanmu calculated that now Li Qingchen has a big belly, and I have heard that Li Qingchen's health is not very good before, and the fetus has almost never been saved several times.

If you are scared, even if Li Qingchen will be fine on the spot, he will most likely not be able to save the child later, so that he will not bear any responsibility. Wan Mu thinks this idea is very good.

"Then you do it." Wan Mu said.

She would not be reconciled if Li Qingchen was not allowed to suffer.

These gangsters took the money, even if they pretended to do something.

On this day, Li Qingchen and Liang Shu went out to buy vegetables.

Uncle Liang said to Li Qingchen: "Just sit here for a while, don't go to the market, it's crowded and dirty, I'll come out in a while."

Li Qingchen agreed, and she sat down and waited for her uncle.

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