Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 2988: Don't think she is climbing

"What's wrong with the baby? Why is she crying so hard?" Li Qingchen couldn't see the baby and was very anxious.

Mrs. Chu couldn't coax it no matter how much, and Chu Rufeng couldn't hug it.

Mo Yanbai took the child again in silence, and the child stopped crying immediately.

Chu Rufeng and Mrs. Chu looked at each other.

Mrs. Chu was not in the mood to see the child and Li Qingchen, and said, "Then I will come to see Chenchen another day."

She went out.

Chu Rufeng also hurriedly followed.

"Mom, the child is only born. It's normal to cry...Don't go to your heart." Chu Rufeng persuaded.

"Rufeng, tell me the truth, who is the child?" Although the child's crying once or twice is nothing, it cannot be used to determine what is wrong.

But Mrs. Chu still noticed something unusual.

If the child is really Chu Rufeng, Chu Rufeng shouldn't be so unrestrained.

Chu Rufeng said, "Mom, stop guessing..."

"The child is not yours, right?" Mrs. Chu seemed to have guessed something, because Li Qingchen didn't need Chu Rufeng too much.

During the whole pregnancy, Mr. Chu was actually in poor health. Chu Rufeng stayed in the hospital for a long time and took care of Li Qingchen very rarely.

Li Qingchen said nothing about this.

Where is this normal attitude?

If the child is really Chu Rufeng, she would not believe that Li Qingchen had no complaints about the lack of responsibility for the child's father.

There are some things that Mrs. Chu wanted to ask clearly.

"Rufeng, tell me honestly, I can bear it," Mrs. Chu said.

Chu Rufeng thought for a moment, and finally had to tell her: "Yes, the child is not mine. Between me and Chen Chen, there is nothing..."

"Son, you are really stupid. It's not your child, why should you bear such a responsibility? There are millions of girls in the world, why do you have to be like this?" Mrs. Chu was really distressed and anxious.

Chu Rufeng said in a low voice, "Yes, there are thousands, but I just... only look at her. Mom, she didn't ask me to do anything in the morning, and she clearly said that she would not follow me What happened during that time, she was really unselfish..."

"I really don't know how to say hello..."

"Mom, the reason why I wanted to marry Chen Chen last time was only because I wanted to make my dad feel better. Including the first thing about the child, me and Chen Chen, I just want my dad to take care of him as soon as possible. Surgery. As for the wedding, it was just an accident." Chu Rufeng said guiltily.

Mrs. Chu sighed, Li Qingchen's feelings, she indeed accepted it.

But since the child is not Chu Rufeng, she will not agree to their marriage.

She still did not allow her son to marry a woman who brought other people's children back to Chu's house.

Chu Rufeng smiled low and said, "Do you think you are willing to marry me early in the morning? People don't want to drag me down. The reason why she was able to appear in the hospital and Chu's family was just to help me stabilize my dad's mood and emotions. I’m still thinking, I’ll tell him the truth when my dad gets better. Early in the morning is not a vain girl, she has a sense of measure, so don’t think she is climbing high. In fact, she has been just helping me."

Mrs. Chu has nothing to say, she looks down on others, and they still look down on her son.

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