Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3023: Never become like him

Mo Lian looked at him up and down: "Look at your young age, can it work?"

Doctor Murong turned around and left.

Mo Lian knew that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly followed in his footsteps: "Doctor Murong, sorry, I didn't say this on purpose. You said my eldest brother came back from the United States and has been seeing a psychologist. Why? Ah? He has always been strong, I don't know why this is happening?"

"At the headquarters of the International Criminal Police Force, I was tortured with all kinds of torture imaginable in the world and tortured for a whole month. I repeatedly watched various simulation videos of my mother being killed on the spot by Mo Chenyi. I was forced to watch those claims to be The tragic condition of the body of the colleague who was killed by him..."

Mo Lian couldn't listen anymore: "It's terrible! Isn't Chen Ziwen his father? Why treat him like this?"

"Because he is too strong to arouse his fragility, he will never accept a father like Chen Ziwen!"

"So he has become like this, he needs to see a psychiatrist all the time?" Mo Lian said distressedly.

"Not really. Just because of this situation, he didn't have any psychological problems, so Chen Ziwen injected him with drugs, which caused his brain disease. Once he thinks of hatred, he will become manic and depressed. Unable to suppress hatred, so... he had to come to me for help."

"Chen Ziwen is so hateful! Even his own son will not be spared! How could there be such a father in the world!"

Dr. Murong said lightly: "Otherwise, Mo Yanbai will never need him, and will never become the kind of person he desires to become. Chen Ziwen wants a selfish, self-centered, and will never do anything. A son who wants to include the power and wealth of the world at any sacrifices made by others! If Mo Yan is cruel, how can Chen Ziwen get such a son?"

"But his wishful thinking is still wrong! Big brother, he has never been like him!"

"But Mo Yanbai is fighting for this, and he is restraining the indescribable pain every day." Dr. Murong said lightly.

But Mo Lian and Mo Zheng had their scalp numb.

She used to be Mo Yanbai's mother. In order to achieve her goals, she used him who was still young.

Now it's the father again, trying to manipulate him, playing with it.

Mo Lian and Mo Zheng could imagine how much Mo Yanbai now hates his own life experience!

And when he was going through these pains, everyone was abandoning him.

On the face of it, he abandoned everyone, but in reality, he was abandoned by everyone in order to bear the pain alone.

Mo Lian burst into tears and hugged Mo Zheng: "Second brother, do you think we are too much?"

Mo Zheng clenched his fist: "What **** father is all the devil!"

Doctor Murong shrugged: "What else do you want to know?"

"I want to know, have you been here in the early morning?" Mo Lian asked, whispering, "I don't think she will come. My eldest brother chose to save Wandandan at a critical moment... I won't come in the morning. What's more, Chen Ziwen also killed Chen Chen's mother..."

The thought of the relationship between Mo Yanbai and Li Qingchen was deadlocked, and Mo Lian felt distressed.

Dr. Murong looked at the sky: "I'm only responsible for psychological problems, not emotional problems. I'm sorry to accompany you."

"Well, thank you, Doctor Murong."

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