Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3043: Little uncle

The child is Mo Yanbai, and it may be something that everyone believes.

Only Li Qingchen was so stupid, he took this seriously and tortured himself for so long.


Mo Yanbai still occasionally sees Doctor Murong.

Although the psychological problem has long since disappeared, life is filled with the existence of stars.

However, the influence of the medicine Chen Ziwen injected him back is still possible.

After examining him, Dr. Murong smiled and said, "There is basically no problem, he is healthier than me."

"That's good." Mo Yanbai stood up.

"Sure enough, love is the best medicine." He quipped.

"What about you, when will you go back to Mo's house and meet your parents?"

Dr. Murong turned arrogant and arrogant, he became a little convulsed, and then asked, "Brother, I was just about to ask you, what is Mo Lian's favorite? If you want to go to Mo's house, you have to bring the gift that pleases her the most. Right?"

"Her favorite gift... isn't it you?" Mo Yanbai raised his eyebrows.

Doctor Murong hesitated for a moment, then he was taken aback, the smile on his face gradually widened, and he laughed.

When Mo Yanbai went out, Li Qingchen brought the child to greet him, and said with a smile: "Xingchen said that he wanted to see my aunt. I made an appointment with Mo Lian for dinner tonight. It just so happened that Xingchen went to accompany his parents."

"Okay." Mo Yanbai reached out and took the stars, and patted his little ass, "It's really heavy."

The stars grow well and fast, just like Mo Yanbai, taller than children of the same age since childhood.

Xingchen crouched on his father's shoulder, giggling.

Went to Mo's house at night.

Murong Li also came early in the morning.

Jian Zhifei and Mo Chenyi were very happy to see him and greeted him in the door.

Mo Lian was usually generous, and was a little shy when he saw Murong Li.

"Sit down." Jian Zhifei smiled.

Murong Li bought a lot of things in big and small bags, and they were sent over.

Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhifei were not greedy for him either, but seeing him respect so generously, they seemed to care about Mo Lian, and they felt more satisfied.

Although Murong's family is not a wealthy family, but it is also a medical family. Murong Li himself is also a very capable psychologist.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that there is a natural fit between the two.

"I am taller and stronger than I was a child." Jian Zhifei said in a general sentence, and the time was hurried, it has been more than ten years.

"I can't bully others anymore." Mo Yanbai tapped Mo Lian's head.

Mo Lian said embarrassedly, "He was shorter than me when he was a child, so I don't bully him and who?"

Murong Li smiled: "Okay, let you bully in the future."

After all, he had lived in the Mo family for two years, and he was familiar with the people of the Mo family. Soon Murong Li became a part of everyone.

In the two years that they lived here as a child, Mo Chenyi and Jian Zhi hadn't dealt with him, and Murong Li felt like going home.

Xingchen just walked, walked from here to there, and from there to here, holding the fruit, and calling little aunt.

Mo Lian embraced him lovingly.

Xingchen stuffed the cherries into her mouth: "Auntie eats..."

Murong Li reached out his hand to take him and hug him.

Xingchen looked at him and suddenly said, "Little uncle."

He just knows how to walk, and he doesn't speak much. The word "little uncle" is also the first time he has spoken.

Everyone was taken aback, then laughed.

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