Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3049: Even unhappy

This makes sense.

"Your husband is rich, right? This necklace is really not cheap. I seem to have seen it in a magazine. It is worth at least seven figures." The female colleague exaggeratedly pointed her finger.

Several other people also looked at Li Qingchen enviously.

Li Qingchen really didn't mean to show off, and nodded: "Actually, I don't really understand it. The most important thing is love."

A few showed envy.

There were also one or two. They competed very much with Li Qingchen in terms of work. They showed disdain, even whispered, and smiled unclearly.

Speaking of which, in Mo's company, because of Chen Ziwen's previous side and frontal blows, the flow of personnel is really fast.

Few people in Li Qingchen's office are real old employees.

Although there are many right and wrong places where there are many women, most of the time, everyone is in peace.

Except for a few of the three views that are really at odds, everyone usually has less contact and communication.

Therefore, Li Qingchen has always got along well with everyone.

The person who admired Li Qingchen most was a little girl. She came to the company shortly after graduation. She sat next to Li Qingchen, lamenting that Li Qingchen's life is good, and at the same time, she said when she can afford a diamond necklace on her own salary.

Li Qingchen sneered: "Lan Qing, you will meet someone who really loves you. At that time, you will know that the more expensive the necklace, the happier."

"Then I would rather wear a diamond necklace, even if I am not happy." Lan Qing said with a face held up.

Li Qingchen said nothing more.

In the afternoon, she took Lan Qing to discuss a cooperation.

For Li Qingchen, this is already a familiar job.

However, this time the customer seemed a bit difficult, and everything had been negotiated, and Li Qingchen had to let Li Qingchen make two points.

Two points are almost catching up with more than half of the profit. Li Qingchen is going to really let it out. This order is no different from doing nothing.

It's not that the company is obliged to do this, and Li Qingchen naturally cannot agree.

She smiled slightly: "Then Boss Han, let's talk about it today. If you still want to cooperate, we will talk next time."

She stood up and left.

Lan Qing couldn't help but reminded: "Early morning, just leave like this? We still have several competitors. If we can't win Boss Han, he will sign with others."

"No one else has such a good service and such a low price." Li Qingchen was very confident.

"What if..."

"Nothing." Li Qingchen had already strode out.

Boss Han stood up: "Miss Li stayed, can we talk again."

Boss Han walked up to Li Qingchen and said with a smile: "I have a very good relationship with your company's President Mo Yanbai Mo. I also contacted him before and said that he must give me a preferential price. Miss Li, look at this. In terms of face, let's make one more step?"

Li Qingchen couldn't help but be funny, this boss Han might have seen Mo Yanbai in the crowd.

As for Mo Yanbai, I'm afraid he doesn't even know him.

Li Qingchen smiled and said: "Then I'm sorry, I really dare not report it to Mr. Mo and give the customer this price."

Boss Han's eyes flashed, intending to reach out to touch Lan Qing, and smiled: "If we eat together at night, the price is not a problem."

Li Qingchen stopped him quietly: "Then there is really nothing to talk about."

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