Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3061: Don't even have a chance to be on the table

"I myself am willing to participate." Mo Yanbai took her hand. "Sometimes I deal with these things, and there are also times when I have a good mood."

"But I am so worthless for you. They all devalue your identity and no longer recognize you... But when you need it, they still have to look for you. Your contribution does not even have the opportunity to be on the stage." Li Qingchen It really hurts.

"I'll do it myself." Mo Yan smiled in vain, "fiction is not important."

Li Qingchen hugged him: "I also know that a false name is not important, just because you are not worth it. But if you like it, I don't have any opinion. Just...I can't do this in the future. I've spent all night to help them study some cases. If you want to, you have to take a good rest. Your body is important."

"Okay." Mo Yanbai patted her hand.

"Go to rest now and can't handle work anymore."

"Good." Mo Yanbai asked her for nothing.

"Then I first go to see if the stars get up."

Mo Yanbai stopped her: "Sister Chen is here, you stay with me."

He circled her in his arms and kissed her gently and carefully.

It was true that he hadn't been with her for several days. At this moment, he just wanted to ask her and stay with her.

Then take a good night's sleep, and accompany the stars to the amusement park.

Fame is indeed not important, nor is it important to give, but the beloved is still important.

After tossing Li Qingchen for a long time, the two of them only got up in the evening.

Originally, I was going to accompany Xingchen out to play, but when I heard Yunjin's call, my voice was flustered.

"Yun Jin, what's the matter? Speak slowly." Mo Yanbai's voice was gentle.

Li Qingchen had known for a long time that his feelings for Yunjin were now purely for his sister.

Perhaps before, it was because of the expansion of this sibling relationship that he could not help but go through fire and water to protect her.

Yunjin is now very mature, and she is alone, and there is rarely such a time of panic.

Besides, she rarely called Mo Yanbai to talk about personal matters.

Mo Yanbai frowned and listened, and said, "I'll be here right away."

"What happened?" Li Qingchen asked worriedly.

"Lu Yiyang was injured. He was in the hospital. It was very serious. Shen Jiwei dealt with the matter abroad and couldn't come back. She called me." Mo Yanbai explained while putting on clothes, "Sorry, Yun Jin and Yi Yang are both me in the morning. Relatives..."

Li Qingchen said without hesitation: "I will accompany you. They are my family too, aren't they?"

"Good." Mo Yanbai answered.

The two got dressed and went to the hospital together.

Lu Yiyang is also a criminal police officer, but not a system with Mo Yanbai.

Lu Yiyang belongs to the domestic system of s, but every time he handles a case, he is no less responsible than Mo Yanbai.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Yunjin with red eyes.

As soon as she saw Mo Yanbai, she ran over, stood in front of him, and said, "Brother Xiaobai, I'm sorry to disturb you. My second brother was seriously injured during the mission and is undergoing surgery. I'm really worried..."

"Don't be afraid." Mo Yanbai patted her shoulder.

"Thank you for coming." Yun Jin smiled gratefully at Li Qingchen, but there was all the worry that could not be concealed in his smile.

Li Qingchen held her hand and sat down together. Yun Jin could call them. Li Qingchen didn't feel disgusted at all.

Because of Mo Yanbai's relationship, she also regarded Yunjin as her younger sister, although she was actually not much older than Yunjin.

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