Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3073: Not for you anymore

Before she could react, the most important trump card in her hand, Zhou Shengyu, the actor she had desperately launched, was actually asked by the company to transfer it to another agent to bring it!

Zhou Shengyu is not only the most popular trump card in her hand, but also her long-time boyfriend, but it has not been announced to the outside world.

Junya graduated from the same school as Zhou Shengyu. When she was in school, she and Zhou Shengyu participated in the filming of the movie.

Later, in order to fulfill Zhou Shengyu’s career, she gave up the opportunity to become a star and became the most powerful assistant, nanny, and agent behind him, pushing him to a high place with one punch and kick. Winner awards with weight.

The two originally planned to make the announcement after Zhou Shengyu won the award. However, Zhou Shengyu said that now is the time when he can make a breakthrough and consolidate his position at the top.

Junya felt that it made sense, so she didn't announce it.

But she didn't expect that her career would soon fall into a mess.

Even Zhou Shengyu was transferred to other agents.

Even she promised to bring a model to a catwalk, but no one has it.

Originally, I could also second the male model in the hands of other agents. After a few years of mixing, Junya still has this network.

But when she saw Lu Yiyang today, her eyes lit up suddenly, this was the person she wanted to find!

She looked at people accurately. Lu Yiyang was wearing casual clothes, and she got a glimpse of how perfect the figure under his clothes was.

Especially his face, which looks pretty and enchanting, but in fact it is very suitable for a recognizable model stage.

Seeing Lu Yiyang, it was like finding a treasure, and Junya couldn't put it down.

This is people's instinctive love for beautiful things, and Junya's instinctive love for her work!

Thinking of Lu Yiyang, Junya was full of enthusiasm, but it was a pity that such a man with such a good figure had no interest in the entertainment industry at all.

"Junya, can you meet me?"

Junya received the call from the company's president Han Yixiao.

Speaking of Han Yixiao, Junya had a headache.

Since joining the company, Han Yixiao has been pursuing Junya.

Junya had been with Zhou Shengyu for a long time, so it was naturally impossible to accept him.

She has been politely rejected, and this rejection lasted three full years.

But there will always be work, so she has to meet him.

Just like now, Junya has to go to see him, at least, she also wants to understand and know who Zhou Shengyu is going to take!

When he arrived at the coffee shop, Junya went in. Han Yixiao was already there and smiled gently at her: "Sit down, Junya."

"Mr. Han." Jun Ya sat down, keeping him polite and polite.

"Your recent work has been a bit abnormal. Did something happen?"

"Mr. Han, you also know that those models suddenly changed their minds and left because a new company spent a lot of money to dig people."

"Then you have two stars in your hand, one is out of the circle, the other is hacked to doubt life, what's going on?"

Junya took a deep breath: "The one who retired was suffering from depression and has been undergoing treatment. Now the doctor says that he really needs to retire and raise him. As for the hacked one, I'm still investigating..."

"So Zhou Shengyu is not suitable for you." Han Yixiao raised his legs gracefully and crossed his hands.

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