Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3089: I won’t touch anything that others have touched

Is it Han Yixiao? It is not a short time for him to pursue himself.

It just didn't expect that he would use such a despicable method.

Junya sat down in frustration: "Anyway, it's not me. How could I have thought that he would use such a method? He doesn't lack women, he is handsome and rich..."

"It doesn't seem appropriate for you to describe a man who plots against you."

"I'm just telling the truth!" Junya cried in her arms, and she fell asleep inexplicably. She enjoyed it with shame last night. Now that she thinks of it, she also accepted Lu Yiyang in a sober state. Accept it so without hesitation.

Lu Yiyang walked to her: "How do you make up for it?"

Junya cried, nothing to do with him, just crying herself.

"No!" She wiped away her tears, "Are you asking me to make up for it?"

"I'm more expensive."

"Are you really betraying your soul?" Junya stood up, wrapped in the quilt.

"It seems that I only betrayed my body?" Lu Yiyang spread his hands.

The body that appeared in front of Junya was unimaginably beautiful. She couldn't remove her eyes. She brought so many models and had seen so many supermodels and male stars. No one's body has his beauty.

It is beautiful, every line is like an artist's craftsmanship, the muscles increase by a fraction, and the muscles can be reduced by a fraction. It is superbly crafted.

He puts on his clothes to hide these, which is really a violent thing.

But thinking that she had slept with such a beautiful body, Junya felt... as if it was worth it.

"So what do you want?"

"Buying my flesh requires bed warming, cooking, housework, and drinking and chatting."

"Okay, I promise you." Junya replied, "No, why did I make up for you? Obviously you slept with me too! Why didn't you make up for me?"

"Then I can hardly agree to help you for a year. This year, I can help you walk the show, or do things according to your requirements. But I hope you can also train other artists in your hands as soon as possible. Because I am the most , I will stay with you for one year! It is last night's compensation...Is that enough?"

"Enough is enough, enough is enough! Lu Yiyang, you are really interesting." Jun Ya's little chicken nodded like a peck.

How could she make a profit? She slept with a handsome man and got the right to use it for one year that he personally agreed to?

If I knew it, shouldn't she sleep with him earlier?

"But Junya, I also tell you, this year, you put away your boss's heart. I won't touch things that others have touched, understand?"

Junya laughed: "In this respect, you are quite a cleanliness fetish. I also tell you, I also have a cleanliness fetish! I am not interested in going to sleep with other men!"

"Then one year." Lu Yiyang picked up his clothes and walked out.

Junya took a shower before going out, her legs were so sore that she didn't look like her own.

Fortunately, she has nothing else to do today.

When I went out, Lu Yiyang was eating breakfast, and he prepared a simple milk, bacon and egg for her.

Junya was really hungry, and she ate her mouthfuls. In comparison, Lu Yiyang ate a lot more elegantly.

After eating, Junya went to clean it up, but was hugged by Lu Yiyang and held her in her arms.

"Then what...Isn't I going to clean up the housework?"

"Just now, I bought a box." Lu Yiyang pushed her onto the dining table.

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