Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3116: I think of another way

"You too." Junya jumped up and gave him a heavy kiss.

Lu Yiyang was satisfied.

"After finally applying for 30,000 yuan, I spent all of it?" Lu Yiyang always felt that she was short of money, and he took money very seriously.

"Anyway, it’s an extra win. They worked hard, and it’s nothing to give them. As for the deputy editor, if we agree to nothing, then next time someone else has something like this, we won’t catch us bullying. ?"

Lu Yiyang thought it was reasonable, and this little money was originally a trivial matter.

He circled her: "Let's go, I let people prepare game."

"Game...Aren't all the friends you raise here?" Jun Ya was taken aback, and wild game such as bear paws, fish bones, pangolins appeared in front of her eyes.

Lu Yiyang laughed: "Does mushrooms count?"

On the dining table, it turned out to be all kinds of fungi and mushrooms.

They are all freshly picked from the mountain, and they are made into various flavors and tastes, which makes people mouth-watering.

Junya drank a thick bowl of delicious fungus soup before she couldn't help asking, "Lu Yiyang, what are you doing?"

"It used to be a policeman."

"I know, I am asking now."

"Isn't it your artist now?"

"I asked before now." Jun Ya was really curious.

"Businessman. Sells some jewelry."

Junya nodded and suddenly realized: "No wonder you can find so many accessories for me every time. Then Lu Yiyang, can I ask you to borrow jewelry in the future? I don't want to borrow expensive ones, or for long, just borrow them at the right time. , By the way, I will help you advertise. I will ask the people in the propaganda department to cooperate with the copywriter when borrowing your jewelry."

Lu Yiyang laughed. The commendable thing about Yun's jewelry is that he has done it now, and he has never found a spokesperson. He has been drifting away from the two dimensions of commercial products and artworks.

Before, many people had to wait in line to find Yun's jewelry for custom jewelry. Those with insufficient status did not even have the qualifications to line up.

"What's the matter? Inconvenient?" Junya understood his difficulty, and she said with a smile because of the company's priority.

"Of course." Lu Yiyang agreed.

He can't lend the works of Yun Wei and Yun Jin to artists at will, but his own series is fine.

Who makes it his, who makes him happy?

"Really?" Junya was very happy, ran to him, and kissed him heavily, drooling.

Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand and wiped it, disgustingly said: "Good food."

"Lu Yiyang, I'm so touched. Can you borrow it? Your attitude makes me feel good." Jun Ya's eyes were slightly moist.

Lu Yiyang didn't expect her to be so sentimental at the moment, so he picked a mushroom for her: "It's not just attitude. It's the real one that will lend you."

"An attitude is enough." Junya smiled again, "But if I can borrow it, I would still be disrespectful."

Zhou Shengyu's shooting went smoothly, and it was a little easier.

However, he has a melancholic character and lacks expressiveness, so it will take at least three days to complete the shooting.

Han Yixue looked at the few studios where Junya and Lu Yiyang were not seen, and said with a smile: "I don't know it will take a few days for them to finish shooting."

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