Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3118: Really has potential

Junya is doing other training for Lu Yiyang.

Speaking of his talents, Junya knows a lot of things.

It's just that Junya didn't want him to be just a model. In that case, it would be a waste of his talents and the figure and face of the gods, so he instilled a lot of things every day.

By the way, I also relax with him and give him a massage.

On the day the two magazines went on the market, Lu Yiyang received many calls.

First Yunjin called: "Second brother, when did you become a male model? Aren't you helping Mommy manage the jewelry business?"

"Yeah, I plan to try different things." Lu Yiyang smiled, "Don't tell your parents first, I'm afraid they are unhappy that I will show up."

"Don't worry, I won't." Yun Jin has always been worried that Lu Yiyang is in a bad mood because he can't be a policeman. Seeing that he has something he likes to do, he feels relieved, "But brother, you made this magazine very handsome. Today I think many female employees in the company have bought this copy."

"Have you bought it? Do you want me to give it to you?" Lu Yiyang asked with a smile.

"I have bought several copies, and I will keep them as a collection and as a souvenir." Yunjin really likes the style of this series.

After finishing Yunjin's call, other friends also called to ask.

Lu Yiyang all told them frankly what he was doing now.

About everyone thinks that his leg injury is bothering him. It is rare to find new points of interest now, and they all support what he is doing now.

However, he also told them not to pay attention to themselves in a big way.

Everyone knew what he was thinking, and they all responded with a smile.

After "Wildness" appeared on the market, it soon sold out.

The editorial department worked overtime and printed a few times before barely meeting the market requirements.

On the other hand, "Gentleman", which has always been selling well, has Zhou Shengyu's blessing, but it is not tepid and did not increase sales as expected.

Han Yixue did not get such news in the first time.

She still has great confidence in Zhou Shengyu.

When I asked about the sales volume, I said that the entire editorial department was very exciting this time and the magazine sales were very good.

Han Yixue naturally thinks that this is Zhou Shengyu's credit, and it is also "Gentleman" that sells well.

After all, Zhou Shengyu, the new movie actor, has his own halo wherever he goes.

Editor-in-Chief Xie called Junya himself.

"Junya, I apologize to you for the hesitation last time. Lu Yiyang is indeed very potential, you take him well."

"This time the magazine sales didn't cause you any trouble, did it?" Jun Ya had almost an answer in her heart. She also had friends, so she asked her friends to inquire about the sales in private.

Editor Xie smiled and said: "Of course not! I'll make an appointment with Lu Yiyang in advance, and when the cover is open next time, let him help us shoot "Gentleman"!"

"Okay, thank you editor in chief." Jun Ya put down the phone and rolled on the bed.

Lu Yiyang came in and saw her happy face, and stepped forward: "What's the matter?"

"Editor-in-chief Xie said, your magazine sales are very good this time. I guess it can catch up with "Gentleman."

"Just can catch up?"

"It’s good to be able to catch up. The volume of "Gentleman" is usually very large. Usually the sales volume is ten times that of the one you took. If you think, if you can catch up, it’s equivalent to you. Increased the sales of the book I took tenfold!"

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