Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3140: It's not my fault to be too handsome

"Director Jia, is there any problem?" Jun Ya ran over and asked.

"This male protagonist is too good-looking, and is quite different from what we expected. My protagonist is a talented but downright, even a little neurotic man. I'm making movies in a formal way, not thinking about it. Did you know how to make this movie into MV?" Director Jia only knows that Lu Yiyang is famous for shooting MV. He is too good-looking and lacks confidence in him.

Junya laughed: "Director Jia, why don't you try it first, if you haven't tried it, how do you know if he will work?"

Junya has been with Lu Yiyang for a long time, and is very optimistic about him in all aspects, especially she knows how much talent he still hides.

Junya guessed that in the entire entertainment industry, I am afraid that there will never be a second male artist who is rejected because of being too good-looking.

"Director Jia, I will dress Lu Yiyang first, and then you can try it. If it doesn't work, we will accept whatever you arrange." Junya knows that if you don't really go into battle, you can't convince the director.

"Okay, all right." Director Jia also looked helpless.

"What's the matter, because of my business, did you beg me?" Lu Yiyang asked softly when he changed his clothes.

Junya laughed helplessly: "Who made you look so good? Really, there is something wrong with it."

Lu Yiyang spread his hands, this is not the first time he has encountered such a problem.

When I was in the police academy, some people thought he was handsome and must be incapable, so I asked him to fight him.

After he knocked down five boys in one breath, the people who came to provoke him slowly stopped.

Some people even thought he was a woman disguised as a man, and had to pull his hair to have a look, and Lu Yiyang was so angry that Lu Yiyang gave him a punch.

But when he walked to school, he still slumped every time, until he was on the training ground every night, doing two hundred push-ups and two hundred pull-ups, showing his muscles every day, and everyone gradually turned his attention away from him. Put his face on his body.

When Junya heard him talk about this, her cheeks were sour with a smile: "What then? What about after you became a police officer?"

"When I became a police officer? The first day I went to report, I was almost kicked out by the chief of the police station. He thought I was someone who entered the police station for the test." Lu Yiyang hugged his arms, "So, I It's not the first time I have been disliked."

"Lu Yiyang, do you follow the looks of your father or mother?" Jun Ya asked curiously while changing his clothes.

"The body follows the father, and the face follows the mother. Fortunately, the nose and eyebrows are still like my dad, otherwise..." Lu Yiyang didn't have a choice, so helpless.

"You can do it, what are you still sighing. How many of you have grown up like this? How many people want to grow up like you, but still can't grow up."

Lu Yiyang shrugged: "Then you tried to be molested by the suspect when you didn't try to catch the suspect? Or in the case of wearing a police uniform."

"Okay! I admit, I really don't understand. But they are too clumsy, how can you turn a blind eye to such a big figure?" Junya is also pretty good-looking, but she has never had so much trouble from him.

"So, I'm used to being questioned. It's not my fault to be too handsome." Lu Yiyang was not surprised.

Junya rubbed her face with a smile, and the two of them smiled and drew closer.

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