Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3161: A strong threat

Han Yixue was slapped in public, and her face was blue and white.

Junya smiled again and said: "In fact, there are a lot of chaos on the Internet now. Everyone can slander others casually, just because they don’t know who they are? It’s not because they don’t know who they are. Punishment? The uncle police said today that if you find that there is an accident with artificial rumors, you can call the police at any time. Now is when they are cracking down on online rumors. We are welcome to report more. Of course I am not referring to you, Yixue. Call the police to crack down on those who buy navy soldiers at random. From now on we can take up legal weapons to protect our legitimate rights and interests!"

Han Yixue's face was extremely ugly, and she couldn't get off stage at all.

Everyone nodded and said yes to Junya's words. After all, it is a good way to spread rumors about others at will, but it is also a way to abuse it. When it is not of interest, who would use it easily?

What's more, it is for the people inside the company.

Junya smiled and said, "Yixue, no matter what, I forgive you."

After showing her generous image in front of everyone, Junya immediately went on to say: “Otherwise, every time someone black Lu Yiyang in the future, I will call the police to let the police uncle run for nothing, and I will feel sorry, right?”

Although the latter sentence was said in a joke, it carried a strong threat.

In the future, if Lu Yiyang is really being hacked, even if it is not Han Yixue's work, Junya cries out her grievances, I am afraid everyone will point the finger at Han Yixue.

Han Yixue's loss is really too great.

After she came out, Junya sorted out the incident, including the proof of the police's dispatch, and asked a friend to give these things to Luo Xiao's agent in a very low-key manner.

Presumably, when he saw it, he knew who published the act of Lu Yi Yang Diao Luo Xiao on the Internet.

Junya didn't want Luo Xiao and his agent to think that it was Lu Yiyang's team that had ridiculed their enthusiasm, and deliberately taunted them. Although Luo Xiao's acting skills are average, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

Since Han Yixue did what she did, she must take on this responsibility. She has the ability to do it, and she must have the ability to take it.

After Junya came out of the company, she exasperated. Lily brought her water while saying: "Wow, Junya, you are my idol. This time, Han Yixue knows how good our team is! I love you so much. Up!"

"Where is Lu Yiyang? Are you still on the set?"

"Yeah, there was a scene into the water at night, it was a bit difficult to shoot, he was still preparing. But he didn't worry about you, so he specifically asked me to come and see the situation."

Junya's lips rose when she heard Lu Yiyang's concern.

She hurried to the set and saw Lu Yiyang trying the camera and lights.

This scene is divided into his dreams. In the dreams, he fell straight into the water. Because he was asleep, his movements were very relaxed and natural, and he began to be very calm, then struggled, and then almost drowned and suffocated. He was about to drown in the last second before poking his head out of the water.

The difficulty of this scene is quite large. To show suffocation and drowning is a test of acting skills, not to mention everything is done in the water.

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