Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3168: Infringe on my portrait rights

"No." Lu Yiyang was very sure, "My family is very good people. They will like the girl I choose."

Junya was relieved.

At the same time, because of Lu Yiyang's words, I felt a special heart.

When she arrived on the set, there was still a smile on her face.

They just arrived and Han Yixue also arrived.

Han Yixiao urged her to apologize, and she had to come.

However, this time, she also wanted to find out what the situation of the crew was and how the filming was going.

Will this movie pose a threat to Zhou Shengyu?

She was satisfied as soon as she walked in, and found that the people in the entire crew were particularly sloppy.

Everyone is chatting in twos and threes.

Someone else said: "I drank two more glasses last night. Today is really a headache."

"Yeah, I have eaten a lot of seafood and have a little diarrhea."

Because there was no role in Lu Yiyang in the morning, everyone seemed casual.

Han Yixue couldn't help shook her head when she saw such a battle. The investment that Junya was fighting for might be completely overwhelmed.

Seeing Han Yixue coming, Lily hurried to find Junya and Lu Yiyang: "That eldest lady is here, and I don't know what to do. It seems that everything here is not in her eyes, what else is she here for?"

"Let's go, let's go out. Lily, get ready, and record everything she wants to do in a while." A sly flashed across Junya's face.

Lu Yiyang also saw her little pride, and he would cooperate with her whenever she wanted to do anything.

Han Yixue saw Lu Yiyang and Junya approaching, she stepped forward and said, "I'm here to apologize. I'm sorry Lu Yiyang."

Lily hastened to let people film this scene.

"You said too quietly, I can't hear you clearly." Lu Yiyang looked at her proudly.

"I said, I'm sorry!" Han Yixue raised her volume.

Lu Yiyang looked at her with interest: "Miss Han, I don't know why you came to apologize to me."

"You!" Han Yixue said angrily, "If you don't accept it, then forget it."

"Alright, then I will ask the company what is going on at that time. Someone came to apologize to me, but didn't explain the situation." Lu Yiyang refused to give up.

Han Yixue didn't want to cause this matter to the company anymore. Last night Han Yixiao told Father Han about the matter, and his father scolded herself miserably.

Han Yixue had to say: "Because I accidentally hacked you on the Internet, I apologize to you. Are you satisfied?"

"Well, let me sort out the plot. You posted a message on the Internet about serious injuries and spreading rumors. The comments below on the video that competed with Luo Xiao's acting skills are all spreading rumors. So, you have to apologize to me, right? "Lu Yiyang said unhurriedly.

"Yes." Although reluctant, Han Yixue had to admit it.

Lu Yi raised his lips, revealing a beautiful smile: "Okay, you can go now."

The contempt and arrogant expression in her eyes made Han Yixue's mouth tilted with anger.

Lily ran over: "Junya, it was taken."

"What did you take?" Han Yixue's expression changed.

"I took the video of your apology just now." Jun Ya said with a smile, "Although it is not very sincere, but it is barely reluctant."

"You are infringing on my right of portrait, I ask you to delete it!"

Junya smiled happily: "Are you sure I took the shot? Lily just joked, right Lily?"

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