Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3178: Took a bite as punishment

Lu Yiyang smiled helplessly, but took a bite seriously, with strawberry jam on his lips.

Junya leaped on him and looked at him grinningly, feeling that she was about to kiss herself, Lu Yiyang was full of expectation and smiles.

She leaned to his lips, licked his strawberry jam, and laughed.

Lu Yiyang felt cheated by her, hugged her, grabbed her lips abruptly, and took a bite as punishment.

As a result, two people's ice cream was eaten all over.

When they returned to Lu Yiyang's residence, the two of them had washed in the bathroom for a long time before they finally came out.

On the second day, the word-of-mouth of the two films on the Internet changed.

People who originally had low expectations for "Shadow" watched it, and came back with a generally high evaluation: "It's good, it has a good texture. The double male protagonist is very interesting."

"I went to search for Lu Yiyang, but I didn't expect him to look completely different from the movies, so I was very careful."

"I never expected such a flip, the ending is so pleasant!"

For those who hold high expectations in "Born to Love", they are obviously disappointed: "The plot is too procrastinated. I watch it with my girlfriend, and my girlfriend likes it."

"Anyway, I won't believe the film critics in the future, so I really want to cancel my attention to them! This water injection plot is completely insulting to the original work!"

"I knew I would buy a ticket for "Shadow"! How did Zhou Yingdi pick up such a film?"

This has also triggered a series of routines. Some people attribute this phenomenon to: "Film critics vote with their feet, and audiences vote with IQ and ticket prices."

The box office has also begun to reverse. "Shadow" originally lags behind "Born to Love", but after the audience's word-of-mouth the next day, the box office of "Shadow" began to rise steadily, gradually exerting force, and soon surpassed Junya Expectations.

"The investment of 20 million was only half spent. I had expected that the box office of 100 million would be able to wake up with laughter. After all, movies of this type in country S have always had a mediocre box office." Junya counted her fingers excitedly, "The result It's 200 million now!"

Lu Yiyang looked at her tenderly, with pampering.

At the box office success, he was naturally as happy as her, and his persistence and belief in Junya made him more and more aware of her innermost preciousness.

He is willing to spoil her like this.

When I arrived at the company, I saw Han Yixue's face a little ugly.

Even the celebration banquet prepared for Zhou Shengyu was put on hold.

Seeing Junya, her expression even darkened. Junya smiled and asked, "Yixue, when will the celebration party start? I'm ready to come over."

"Junya! Is the feeling of falling into the rock like that good?" Han Yixue shouted angrily, "Do you think that if a movie has a little success, you can be proud of it? It's a joke!"

"No, I don't want to be proud of the world, but I am better than you, I am very happy." Junya is really willing to see Han Yixue's face, "If you provoke first, you are not allowed to fight back Is it behind?"

Han Yixue turned away with anger.

"Yi Yang, you go to Ding Xiu's side first, and I'll go to Han Yixiao's side."

"Okay." Lu Yiyang watched her leave.

Jun Ya entered Han Yixiao's office: "Mr. Han."

"Junya, I really don't know whether to say disappointment or happy. The box office momentum is good, this time I made a lot of money." Han Yixiao looked at her with burning eyes, don't have any deep meaning.

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