Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3180: You are so low

No one thought about their way out, and no one thought about the youth they gave.

Many people have been abandoned in this way, in the corner, no longer seen, understood and praised by anyone.

Now they have their own opportunities in this movie.

Everyone laughed and said a few more words.

Ding Xiu took the wine and walked to Junya: "Sister Junya, we respect you."

"You call my sister, you call me old." Junya refused, "Don't call me like that anymore."

"Sister should be called, not because you are old, but because you are qualified." Ding Xiu said.

The three of them had been mixed for a year and the contract expired and they had to leave. In Huazhuo, they got nothing except for the wasted three years.

It was Junya who separated them from this vortex, forcing them to grow, and forcing them to get on the right track.

If it weren't for Junya's persecution this time, they might lose their confidence in the next three years and spend the rest of their mediocre lives.

"Yes, you are qualified." Liang Jialin and Wei Jie also nodded.

Junya couldn't help laughing: "Okay, let me be my sister, as long as you are not an aunt. You all drink less, and there will be activities to participate in tomorrow."

They nodded together, said a few more words and left.

Zhou Shengyu stepped forward: "Junya."

"Congratulations, Mr. Zhou." Junya said seriously, but not without mockery.

"Junya, "Born for Love" is the script you took to me, the team you chose, "Born for Love" failed, do you think it has nothing to do with you?" Zhou Shengyu's eyebrows were stained. accurate.

Junya sighed: "So what are you here for? Do you blame me? Do I still have a working relationship with you? Zhou Shengyu, why are you?"

"When "Born for Love" was in the later stage, you already followed Han Yixue. The quality of the contents, the added and deleted things, have nothing to do with me. Do you think you can still rely on me? Also, President Han dare not let me carry this pot, do you dare? Do you dare to stand up boldly and say that "Born for Love" did not achieve its due success. Is it my responsibility?"

Zhou Shengyu squeezed his fist.

"Don't dare? Because you know why you failed! That's because your entire team thinks that the more things you add to please the younger audience, the more people will buy it! You don't understand what the market is! The eagerness for quick success and quick gain has brought you to the present."

Junya looked at him, with more and more shame in her voice, ashamed to be with him.

Zhou Shengyu squeezed his fists and said, "Junya! Have you said enough?"

"No, there is one more sentence-Zhou Shengyu, you are really low!" Jun Ya dropped a sentence and then walked towards Lu Yiyang with a smile on her face.

Lu Yiyang looked down at her: "Zhou Shengyu bullied you?"

If he dared to bully her, Lu Yiyang would definitely want him to look good.

"No, I scolded him." Junya smiled, "The scolding is still very happy. He actually felt that he had lost the box office, because there was a problem with the script I chose for him. Should you scold him?"

"He really has the face to say." Lu Yiyang glanced at Zhou Shengyu.

Zhou Shengyu and Han Yixue were so embarrassed that they did not dare to stay for a long time and left here.

Junya laughed: "Yes, I really have a face to say, so I scolded him."

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