Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3185: How could we betray you

Looking at their expressions, Junya guessed that in the future, they would be quite critical of Han Yixue.

The person in charge immediately said: "Junya, is there a schedule for Lu Yiyang now? Can we talk about cooperation?"

"Sorry, because we have just finished filming "Shadow", we are preparing for the second movie, so there is no schedule." Junya will never let Lu Yiyang participate in "Come, Fall in Love" to talk to female stars like this The show of love.

Such a program is too popular.

Of course, she was indeed a little selfish, and she didn't want to see Lu Yiyang sweet with other women.

Lu Yiyang tilted his head and glanced at her, indicating that he understood what she meant, and squeezed the palm of her hand.

The person in charge is extremely sorry, but there is no other way. He can only say: "Well, when Lu Yiyang has time, please contact me at any time. Our sincerity in cooperation is still very sufficient."

Junya nodded in response, but knew that there was no chance of cooperation with them.

Because of the hot sale of "Shadow", Han Yixue couldn't sit still, and directly approached the three people Ding Xiu, and offered generous terms: "If you follow me, "Come in, Fall in Love" and other programs can be included. There are more Yaqiang, and there are more opportunities to make money. Think about it."

"Miss Han, I'm sorry, we kind of like the new movie signed by Junya sister, sorry." All three refused without hesitation.

"Have you really thought about it?" Han Yixue looked a little frustrated.

"Of course I think it out. Career is a major event in life, and we will definitely think about it clearly." The three of them are people who have experienced sinking, looked down upon, and have experienced all the troughs. They have become more and more thorough about these things .

"So, I'm sorry Miss Han."

Han Yixue looked at the back of the three of them leaving, vomiting too much.

When Junya came back, the three found her together: "Sister Junya, we will not betray you."

"What happened?" Jun Ya asked strangely.

"Han Yixue wants us to go to her, but don't worry, we all refused."

Junya laughed and looked at the three of them. They had been baptized and tempered, and all three of them had been polished out like a jade, and they had brilliance.

She smiled slightly: "Actually, if there is a better chance in the future, you can also leave."

"Sister Junya, how could we betray you?" Ding Xiu said anxiously, and Liang Jialin and Wei Jie also shook their heads.

"Of course, I'm not talking about now. It is normal for water to flow to low places and people to go to high places. If there is a better opportunity, I will not force you to rise. The working relationship between everyone is originally It only exists at a specific time. You will move on to a better path in the future, and I will not object..." Jun Ya said sincerely.

"But the premise is that everyone can get together and get together. At that time, you will communicate with me, no problem, I bless you. But if someone stabbed in the back, maybe I can't do anything for a while, but as long as I have the opportunity, I I will definitely stoke it back, no one is a saint, understand?"

The three of them figured out the meaning of her words and nodded: "Understood."

"Okay, don't sullen your face, just go back."

When they left, Lu Yiyang came over: "I don't know you have such a determination yet."

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