Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3192: I want to bring Lu Yiyang

Mi Yang's fans were also a little bit fierce, "Come, fall in love" hurriedly released a few intimate group photos between Zhou Shengyu and Mi Yang to restore the hearts of fans.

With the official rumor refutation and a group photo of Zhou Shengyu and Mi Yang, fans began to believe in love again, and the illusion created by the capital for them.

The only person who was upset was Han Yixue.

Obviously that is his real boyfriend, but he wants to form a cp with others. It is clear that all of this is his own, but when he says it out, he will be scolded by the mistress.

She gritted her teeth with hate: "Junya, you dare to put my photos out, you wait and see!"

She didn't need to guess and knew that this was definitely done by Junya. Besides Junya, who would know that she had such a close relationship with Zhou Shengyu?

She found Han Yixiao, before she could speak, she was scolded by Han Yixiao.

"Do you know who you are? You don't want to be low-key when you fall in love with Zhou Shengyu? You look good on your face when you were photographed and scolded?" Han Yixiao was not angry.

"You don't scold Junya, you scold me? She did it!" Han Yixue said angrily.

"You did her first. Zhou Shengyu is okay, it was all caused by you. She is not an artist, so what use is it for you to make her scolded?"

Han Yixue was furious: "Are you helping me or her?"

"I have to be responsible for the company's interests first!"

Han Yixue's momentum became weak: "Okay, I won't fight with you. I want Lu Yiyang."

"What?" Han Yixiao suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"I said I want to bring Lu Yiyang. He is now very popular and valuable, and I want to bring him." Han Yixue said in a mouthful, "You think of a way and give him to me."

"What about Zhou Shengyu?" Han Yixiao asked.

"I want to continue to bring Zhou Shengyu, but I also want to bring Lu Yiyang. I don't want to see Junya in the company."

"Junya didn't do anything wrong, not to mention that Lu Yiyang was personally excavated and cultivated. How did you ask me to change it to you?"

Han Yixue pleaded: "Cousin, brother, if Junya doesn't bring Lu Yiyang, she will definitely have no way out and will choose to marry you. Think about it... Besides, I also need Lu Yiyang to come back."

Han Yixiao shook his head: "I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter. However, if Lu Yiyang is willing to take the initiative to follow you, that's another matter."

"I will definitely persuade him! But you also promised me that what conditions he wants, you have to help me do it, such as resources, such as money." Han Yixue saw that Lu Yiyang's development potential is greater than Zhou Shengyu's, if he grabs it. Lu Yiyang, her career can take it to the next level.

Han Yixue asked Lu Yiyang to meet.

"Meet her?" Jun Ya got up from the bed, "Why does she want to date you?"

"I don't know, but I'll know after seeing it." Lu Yiyang said while changing his clothes.

Junya held the pillow and buried her head in the pillow: "She must be uneasy and kind..."

Lu Yiyang rubbed her hair: "Are you worried that I will be like Zhou Shengyu?"

"You won't be like him," Jun Ya said confidently.

"So confident?" Lu Yiyang laughed.

Junya held his arm: "You are different from her. I believe my instinct."

"Okay." Lu Yiyang smiled, he would not disappoint her instinct.

But after Lu Yiyang left, Junya was still a little restless.

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