As long as people believe that this matter was done for Lu Yiyang, Lu Yiyang will have to do it if he doesn't carry the pot.

After Fan Yi knew about this, the whole team was quite wary of Lu Yiyang.

They are also active in private, but the methods used are completely different from Han Yixue. They are all formal methods. For example, they use works to impress the judges. They are also afraid that Fan Yi will be destroyed if something happens. So it is impossible. Use Han Yixue's method.

But Han Yixue's unfair competition made Fan Yi's people quite unhappy.

Everyone is standing on the same starting line, and someone ran to the front in an unfair way, and they were naturally unwilling.

They made people stare at Lu Yiyang more to see what other methods his team would use.

But after staring for a few days, I found that Lu Yiyang and Junya were either busy reading the script or seeing the director every day, dealing with work matters, and doing nothing at all.

They stared at Han Yixue and Zhou Shengyu again.

Han Yixue is very careful now. Since he has already seen Yan Zheng, it is naturally impossible to see him again, so she is also very low-key.

Fan Yi had to give up temporarily to observe what they were doing, instead turning his attention to Yan Zheng.

They found that Yan Zheng did have a lot of money recently. Although the original judges made a lot of money, they were definitely not as rich as the first-line celebrities. Now Yan Zheng is generous and definitely has a problem.

I just don't know which star team is looking for Yanzheng activities.

Han Yixue asked Lu Yiyang to meet again, but this time, Lu Yiyang did not agree and refused her in one go.

Han Yixue was so angry that she couldn't get up.

Now Lu Yiyang can be said to be the most popular male star in Huazhuo Entertainment, as well as the most profitable male star of Huazhuo Entertainment. He is a natural king with a natural domineering temperament. With advertising and movies, he is popular throughout the country.

Han Yixue couldn't get Lu Yiyang. She was so angry that she couldn't eat anymore, her stomach was upset, and she vomited whatever she ate.

She ran to the hospital for an examination.

On the day she went for the check-up, another actor in the crew also had heat stroke, and there was no one to accompany the actor to the hospital for a while, so Jun Ya accompanied her.

"Dandan, is it better?" Junya treats everyone equally. Although the actress Niu Yidan is only a third-line actor and has very few roles, Junya is still very concerned about her.

Niu Yidan smiled and said, "It's much better, thank you, Miss Jun."

"It's okay, call me Junya. I'll get the medicine for you. You sit and rest for a while." After Junya finished speaking, she ran to the doctor to prescribe the medicine, and then went to the pharmacy to get it.

When she was walking to a remote place, she saw Han Yixue's figure.

Han Yixue was carrying her and calling: "Shengyu, I'm pregnant, what should I do?"

Junya couldn't hear what Zhou Shengyu was talking about, but she had already let it go indifferently. The previous things were like a dream. They used to be clear to the bones, but now they can't even remember the emotions of that time.

Whether Han Yixue is pregnant, I hope she can converge.

Junya turned around to get the medicine.

Zhou Shengyu said on the phone, "Isn't it right that you are pregnant? As long as you help me get the actor, I will propose to you on the spot, and then we will be able to stay and fly together."

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