Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3207: Not to be taken lightly

Of course, this sum of money made him spend like this, and it soon became insufficient.

Yan Zheng wanted to see Han Yixue again, and planned to take this opportunity to fish again.

Yan Zheng quickly contacted Han Yixue.

Although Han Yixue was reluctant to see him again, but... Zhou Shengyu had to rely on Yan Zheng, and she had to agree to see Yan Zheng.

Yan Zheng quickly arrived at the location he appointed.

But this time, it was not Han Yixue, but Jin's people.

"Who are you?" Yan Zheng asked patiently when it was not Han Yixue who came.

"You can't control who we are, but Han Yixue is pregnant. Is it your seed?" These people were arranged by Brother Jin.

Hearing this seriously, of course he refused to admit: "What are you talking about nonsense?"

"This is the medical certificate that Han Yixue is pregnant. During this time, she has not come into contact with any other man except you. Is it you?"

Yan Zheng was so wronged, let alone making Han Yixue pregnant, he just didn't even touch Han Yixue's finger.

He stood up in panic: "What the **** do you do? It has nothing to do with me. Don't splash dirty water on my head!"

"Then it's true that you met Han Yixue last time? She is pregnant, not you, who else?"

Yan Zheng was forced to do nothing.

Originally contacted Han Yixue privately and sold the quota, he was already risking the crime of being unfair. Now he still wants to plant a child on his head?

He dare not!

His eyes rolled: "Han Yixue asked you to come? What does she want to do?

"Seriously, Han Yixue is already pregnant anyway, this matter, whether you admit it or not, will have nothing to do with you!"

These people finished speaking and turned to leave.

Yan Zheng's sweat, he just collected a little money from Han Yixue, now Han Yixue is going to use this kid's affairs to blackmail him?

Don't be afraid of things he hasn't done!

But Yan Zheng still didn't dare to contact Han Yixue anymore. Just relying on the fact that he received the money, the explosion would make him unable to eat.

Before Han Yixue came, he left directly, ran home, packed up his things, and flew directly to a foreign country with a ticket for refuge.

The idea of ​​wanting to strike more was also wiped out.

Han Yixue carried Xiaokun's bag to the place that Yan Zheng had arranged, but did not see Yan Zheng's person.

She called Yan Zheng but couldn't get through at all.

"What the hell?" Han Yixue showed upset, with a trace of contempt on her scarlet lips.

After all, she didn't wait for Yan Zheng, so she had to go back first.

I thought to myself, if I strictly collect the money, it is impossible not to do nothing, right?

Brother Jin scared Yan Zheng away, which is equivalent to bringing this unfair competition back to the norm.

After knowing that Yan Zheng had left, Junya said, "Now everyone should be back on the same starting line."

"Now we have to guard against what tactics Brother Jin uses. He is an old agent in the circle. He has always used any means. We can't take it lightly."

"Well, I will pay attention to his movements." Jun Ya nodded seriously.

At the company, Han Yixiao attached great importance to the nomination of Zhou Shengyu and Lu Yiyang.

He arranged: "Junya, Yixue, you go to the finance department to approve a sum of money. Make sure to put them in a good outfit and don't fall behind on the Golden Image Award."

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