Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3211: The glory that belongs to them

"Next time you change the brand to eat." Lu Yiyang joked.

"Any suggestions?" Director Jia was interested.

"Don't listen to him, he has to exercise every day, and the amount of exercise is heavy. You can't eat it with protein powder alone." Jun Ya said with a smile.

Director Jia was disappointed: "Forget it, I still can't give up my home life, I'm too lazy to move."

The crew of "Shadow" has always got along well, everyone is together, naturally talking and laughing, and time quickly passed.

Soon comes the highlight of tonight, the awards session.

Everyone sat upright, waiting for the host to announce the names of the winners.

The previous awards are not important, such as the best clothing award, the best art award and so on.

After the award of the best actress was awarded, it finally came to the highlight, the best director award.

Director Jia didn't have any extravagant expectations, sitting in the audience listening to the name happily.

When he heard the three words Jia Huaqing, he still kept a polite smile.

Junya pushed his arm and reminded in a low voice: "Director Jia, it's you..."

Director Jia was taken aback for a moment, and then when he heard the name on stage, he quickly got up on stage.

He really did not expect that he would get the best director award. When standing on stage, he was incoherent for a while, holding the trophy and holding his hair.

The audience laughed in good faith.

"Extremely excited, really excited, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it...I want to thank the entire crew, and all the actors, and I have to thank Lu Yiyang and his agent Junya..." Director Jia's unexpected feelings What he said made everyone laugh again and again.

Junya looked at Lu Yiyang and smiled at him.

Director Jia can win awards, and she feels that with Lu Yiyang's acting skills, it is not difficult to win awards.

Han Yixue and Zhou Shengyu, who were sitting not far away, looked down upon seeing Director Jia winning the prize.

Zhou Shengyu asked Han Yixue with his eyes if there were any problems with this award.

Han Yixue has not contacted Yan Zheng in the past few days, and the wind is very tight. She does not dare to look for Yan Zheng all the time. However, Yan Zheng has already accepted her benefits and should be able to do well.

She smiled slightly, giving Zhou Shengyu a reassuring smile.

Zhou Shengyu was relieved.

"Director Jia is so cute. Then let's ask Director Jia to step down and sit down. Now we are going to present the award for the best actor or movie king..."

Everyone held their breath and waited until the host announced the final list of winners.

"Then who is the winner?"

The stage is still showing photos of the five candidates and their clips in the movie.

Zhou Shengyu squeezed his hands tightly, and there was tension on his face unconsciously.

Junya reached out and held Lu Yiyang's hand.

"He is..." The host made an invitation gesture towards the audience with his hand, and a chasing light came over.

"Lu Yiyang!" the host shouted loudly with a smile.

The chasing light immediately shone on Lu Yiyang's face.

Junya covered her mouth in surprise, her face flushed with joy, it was Lu Yiyang! It really is Lu Yiyang!

His goal was accomplished, and her goal was also accomplished!

This is their common goal and the glory that belongs to them!

Ding Xiu and Director Jia, as well as the other crew members stood up and embraced Lu Yiyang and Junya, and You Rongyan.

Han Yixue's and Zhou Shengyu's faces collapsed at the same time, and they adjusted their smiling faces when they thought of the presence of a camera.

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