Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3213: How much tricky is there

Although Han Yixue sought Yan Zheng, it was for Zhou Shengyu.

But now that Lu Yiyang has won the prize, Jin Ge is naturally not convinced and throws out the evidence in his hand.

Because Han Yixue and Lu Yiyang are the same company, in the eyes of outsiders, they are one. Han Yixue's presence must definitely be for Lu Yiyang.

The organizing committee was shocked and immediately looked at the stage, but in the end it still did not speak.

After all, Yan Zheng had quietly submitted a resignation report on the grounds of illness a few days ago, stating that he would no longer participate in the review of the Academy Awards.

Therefore, Yan Zheng had no influence on the selection of the Golden Image Award throughout the entire process. Lu Yiyang won the award and did not have the points he gave.

Lu Yiyang and Junya stepped down, still immersed in sweetness.

Seeing that the organizing committee refused to come forward, Jin Ge gave all the evidence in his hand to reporters.

Of course, reporters will not consider as much as the organizing committee, nor will they verify that Yan has resigned...

They just want to make big news.

As soon as I got such news, I immediately released the news along with Lu Yiyang's winning news.

The title is also very sensational, "Lu Yiyanghua buys a golden award winner? 》

"How many tricks are there in the Academy Awards? Inventory for you one by one

Suddenly, such news was flying all over the sky.

When Lu Yiyang and Junya went out, the problem they faced was no longer their love affair, but an overwhelming and acute problem from reporters:

"Lu Yiyang, Han Yixue acted privately for you to get the actor. Is this true?"

"Lu Yiyang, do you think you deserve this award?"

"Lu Yiyang, will you change your agent to Han Yixue in the future?"

Lu Yiyang frowned slightly, and Junya also realized that things had changed.

"Sorry, I think we should respect the decision-making of the organizing committee and respect their professionalism." Junya said briefly, and broke through the siege with Lu Yiyang and walked out of the crowd.

After getting in the car, Junya's smile faded, she turned out her phone and saw the news inside.

"It wasn't Han Yixue, it was Brother Jin who did it." She guessed the culprit at once, "Most likely, it's Brother Jin...Han Yixue doesn't want to ruin her future after all. But Brother Jin is different, this matter It doesn't hurt him in the slightest. Everyone will sympathize with his artist Fan Yi for not getting the actor..."

"Whether it is Zhou Shengyu or me, he will use these things to suppress us." Lu Yiyang said with frowned.

Jun Ya also frowned: "The Golden Image Award contains such a high gold content, we get it with strength, but we have to be questioned! Han Yixue and Jin Ge are not good people!"

But the outside world is already full of ridicule.

Fans believe in Lu Yiyang, thinking that it is impossible for him to do such a thing.

And in "Shadow", Lu Yiyang's acting skills are obvious to all.

However, passers-by have never been very tolerant of male stars who are too good-looking. With such a revelation, everyone can't wait to forward it immediately.

What's more, fans of other male celebrities also wish their idol one less competitor. They seized this opportunity to drive Lu Yi to death.

Lu Yiyang was unmoved, looked at the black material, and smiled.

Junya gritted her teeth with anger, wishing to delete all the comments about Lu Yiyang!

"Okay, don't get angry." Lu Yiyang pulled the phone out of her hand.

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