Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3215: No point in mind

"You can try." Han Yixiao laughed, treating Junya's resistance as a tickling laugh.

Junya endured her anger: "Mr. Han, then let's try."

Han Yixiao put away his smile, his face became sullen, and pressed the phone: "I accepted the interview just now, and I am very sorry for helping the artist's event for the Golden Image Award! This incident has interfered. For the fair selection of the Golden Image Awards, we will definitely deal with our artists and agents seriously!"

Junya watched him say these words word by word, and she felt uncomfortable in her heart. She didn't expect that Han Yixiao would be so despicable, in order to threaten them, turn black and white, and ignore the facts, just to make Lu Yi lose his reputation!

Han Yixiao finished speaking, spread his hands, as if he had tried his best.

With a smile that held Junya and Lu Yiyang on the palm of his hand, he said, "Junya, do you want to try?"

"Han Yixiao, you will regret it!" After Junya finished speaking, she turned and strode away, and when she left, she slammed the door heavily.

When Junya came out, she saw Lu Yiyang, stepped forward and couldn't bear his experience, and said softly: "Sorry, Yi Yang, I didn't do a good job..."

"It's none of your business. You didn't do anything wrong." Lu Yiyang stretched out his hand to hold her hand, "You are also tired, go home and rest."

After getting in the car, Junya decided that Yan Zheng had already left the country for a long time, and did not take part in the selection of this time, and announced it.

Although there is no company's public relations release that is effective, clarification is always effective.

Junya didn't even think about making everyone believe that she could only have a clear conscience.

Lu Yiyang embraced her: "Okay, don't think too much."

"Yi Yang... you won this award with great difficulty. It is all your own hard work, all your real contributions, but now you are being slandered because of this. I really feel sorry for it."

"Let them say go, the cleaner will clear it up, right?" Lu Yiyang rubbed her hair, "Okay, go back and have a rest. After a nap, it will be fine."

When she got home, Lu Yiyang dragged her to take a hot bath.

After ordering sumptuous food and desserts, Junya finally recovered.

There was no time to struggle too much, and Lu Yiyang squeezed her stamina out.

When she woke up, Junya seemed to be crushed by a car, but her spirit was much better.

The statements and clarifications she released were finally useful, and were reposted by many fans of Lu Yiyang.

However, what Han Yixiao said to the reporter caused a lot of people to grasp the handle, and they still think that Lu Yiyang made actions in private and won the award.

Han Yixue also stood up for an interview, with guilt on her face: "I admit that some of my practices are really not kind, but the law of survival is like this. Lu Yiyang will sign me soon, so I..."

Although none of the words personally admitted that she was helping Lu Yiyang, every word contained this meaning.

It was almost ascertained that she was doing activities for Lu Yiyang.

However, the Academy Awards organizing committee could not sit still. They did have a clear conscience this time. Faced with this situation, they also reposted Junya's Weibo to help Junya confirm that Yan Zheng did not participate in the selection.

But the black fans are not willing to believe the organizing committee's words, and still resist: "You haven't done it yourself, don't you have any points in your heart?"

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