Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3218: Fell in a pool of blood

"Okay, keep your voice down!" Zhou Shengyu stuffed her into the car.

"You have the face to do it, am I afraid that I don't have the face to say it?" Han Yixue cried with anger, "either you will announce the news of your marriage with me, or just wait for my headline!"

"Yixue, why don't you think about my career?"

Han Yixue sneered: "Do I have to help you consider Mi Yang's bed? Do you still have a conscience?"

"It's boring for you to say that. At the beginning, when you went to "Come in Love" and fell in love with Miyang, you arranged for me to accumulate popularity. Now I just play with her every time, how can I blame me Come on your head?"

"Zhou Shengyu! You are really mean. I really regret that I took you away from Junya..." Han Yixue cried, "Okay, you go back, I know how to do it."

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Shengyu was also anxious.

Han Yixue got out of the car, ignored him, and walked forward.

Zhou Shengyu gritted his teeth, knowing that Han Yixue would definitely announce the pregnancy.

If it is announced, it will be over...

But if he gets married during the rising period of his career, it is not his willing choice.

He wants to make money, he wants to climb higher, he wants more fame...

Women, why are they so dissatisfied, wanting love, children, and marriage, is there no one who just wants to make money with him, and everyone has fun together?

Zhou Shengyu watched Han Yixue take out the phone, a fierce light appeared in his eyes. Suddenly, he stepped on the brakes and the car roared towards Han Yixue.

"Ah..." Han Yixue fell in a pool of blood, Zhou Shengyu continued to move forward, a large group of reporters ran out.

"Look over there, it's the actor Zhou Shengyu! He crashed!"

"Someone is injured! Call the police and emergency calls!"

Zhou Shengyu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect so many reporters to surround him. He wanted to escape from the car, but there were so many people he couldn't escape. The reporters surrounded him.

Someone went to rescue Han Yixue.

Lu Yiyang and Junya stood on the periphery of the crowd, watching this scene.

The reporters were brought here. Originally, they only wanted the reporter to see the ripping between Han Yixue and Zhou Shengyu, so that the reporter knew that everything Han Yixue did was for Zhou Shengyu and had nothing to do with Lu Yiyang.

But unexpectedly, it happened to happen that Zhou Shengyu drove into Han Yixue.

Jun Ya couldn't help but tremble all over... This Zhou Shengyu was really a scum.

She originally thought that he was just being unfaithful to feelings, but she didn't expect that he would hit Han Yixue by car. He was not only a scumbag emotionally, but a scumbag through and through.

Think about it if I didn't break up with him decisively at the time, maybe my own experience would be the same as Han Yixue...

Feeling her restlessness, Lu Yiyang squeezed her hand: "Don't be afraid, I am here."

The ambulance came and took Han Yixue to the hospital.

Zhou Shengyu was surrounded by people and couldn't get out at all.

The reporters surrounded him, asking all kinds of sharp questions.

"Don't surround me, walk away, all walk away..." Zhou Shengyu was also a little at a loss. At that moment, he acted subconsciously, and he was crazy to do such a thing.

After calming down, he knew how terrible it was, and he knew how to regret it.

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