Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3221: Cancel your trip

In front of everyone, Zhou Shengyu insisted that he drove just to stop Han Yixue, fearing that something would happen if she ran out. Everything he did was for the good of Han Yixue.

And hit Han Yixue, just an accident.

In order to exonerate himself, he admitted that he loved Han Yixue, always loved her, and planned to marry her, so he was nervous about everything about her.

As for the child in Han Yixue's belly, he had to admit if he didn't admit it.

Although there was another scolding after confession, the court believed that he had no obvious motive to kill Han Yixue.

Zhou Shengyu was released, and Han Yixue was forced by the Han family to remove the child in the hospital.

In the whole thing, perhaps only the child is the most innocent person.

Junya and Lily ate desserts, then bought a bunch of them and went back to treat the staff.

When I went back, I happened to meet Zhou Shengyu and came back.

In just a few days, he was haggard all over.

His temperament is usually a little melancholy, but now he looks even more somber.

When he saw Junya, his eyes darkened even more.

I remembered that when I was with Junya before, Junya would never force him to do anything. All her arrangements were beneficial to his development.

She patiently helped him polish the script, help him with his lines, win him resources, and help him manage his career and life...

And now, all this is gone, it was his mistake that left everything in his hands.

"Junya..." He walked over to Junya.

Junya stood with Lily, and she who had left Zhou Shengyu lived much better than he had imagined.

Zhou Shengyu only noticed now that her entire makeup is different from before. She is less capable and more gentle. What remains unchanged is her pure face and clean temperament...

Junya smiled and looked at him. Such a smile was stylized, like looking at any colleague she knew but had no close relationship with.

Zhou Shengyu wanted to say something to save, but he couldn't speak a word.

Lu Yiyang strode towards Junya, and when he was next to Junya, he was already tall, which made Zhou Shengyu increasingly thin and bleak.

"Yi Yang..." Junya smiled brightly when she saw him.

Lu Yiyang graciously took her hand: "I'm going to the crew in a while, are you going with me, or are you busy with your own affairs?"

"I'll go with you." Junya and Lu Yiyang have already made it public, and now they don't care what everyone says.

The two are very good match, like a pair of Bi people who are extremely fit.

"Let's go." Lu Yiyang said, holding Junya's hand and walking out frankly.

It is precisely because of the courage to assume the responsibility of love that the feelings between two people will not provoke nonsense.

Lily hurriedly followed up: "I will go with you too!"

Looking at Junya's back, Zhou Shengyu was a little lost.

Someone came over and called him: "Mr. Han will let you go there."

Zhou Shengyu went to Han Yixiao's office, Han Yixiao said with a calm face: "Yixue will not take you. I will take you with someone else. "Come, fall in love" has cancelled your itinerary."

"Why cancel? I'm doing well in "Come, Fall in Love"."

"What do you mean?" Han Yixiao asked lightly.

Zhou Shengyu was silent for a while, knowing that there was no hope for recovery.

"Then how is my recent job arranged?"

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