Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3251: Not an ordinary policeman

Junya's mouth and eyes widened at the same time. What is Lu Yiyang kidding?

When the car drove into the villa area, Junya was even more surprised. At the door, security stopped their car.

When the car window was lowered to reveal Lu Yiyang's face, Bao Quan immediately bowed and said, "It turned out to be Mr. Lu, please, please, please."

The preservation here is to be familiar with all the owners in advance and have a good understanding of the appearance of the owners.

Speeding all the way, the car entered the parking area of ​​a villa, Lu Yiyang and Junya got off the car, and someone immediately greeted him: "Second Young Master, Miss Jun!"

Lu Yiyang walked in with a surprised Junya.

This is indeed the most famous villa area in Jingzhou City.

The security measures are very complete, and all those who come and go must be led by the owner before they can come in.

Junya remembered that she had visited guests here with her father before.

She remembered that Ming Rui also had assets here.

The place where Lu Yiyang brought her is really the legendary villa area!

Outside all low-key, quiet villa area, revealing tranquility and comfort, patches of trees and precious flowers and plants show the extraordinary here.

While Junya was still watching everything around him in surprise, Uncle Meng smiled and stepped forward: "Yiyang, Junya, why are you free today?"

"Bring Junya over to see. Uncle Meng, help us prepare something to eat. Just now at the dinner, neither Junya nor I had much food."

"Okay, I will let people prepare." Uncle Meng smiled and left.

Junya watched Lu Yiyang enter the house skillfully, and was finally convinced that this was Lu Yiyang's property.

She couldn't believe it: "Yi Yang, how did you buy the villa here? Aren't all your income placed with me?"

"Except for those income, I don't have any other income."

Junya immediately shook her head: "This is not the main problem, the main problem is... how can you buy a villa here? My father is not qualified to buy it!"

Uncle Meng arranged for people to deliver all kinds of food, stepped forward and said, "Miss Jun, Yi Yang is actually not an ordinary policeman. His father is the king of country c, Lu Zhanting, and his mother is Yun Wei. Master Yi Yang is actually c A member of the royal family is the orthodox second prince of the royal family."

"Yi Yang was reluctant to rely on his parents to achieve success in country c since he was a child, so he came to Jingzhou City to develop. Not only you, but even the ordinary friends of the police station and Master Yi Yang do not know his true identity. "

Junya looked at him in astonishment, and now she understands where the aristocratic aura, neither humble nor overbearing temperament, as well as extraordinary aura and elegance, as well as his unparalleled figure and appearance, come from!

She had heard about Lu Zhanting and Yunwei, knew Yunwei's peerless elegance, and even knew how popular Yun's jewelry items were in Jingzhou City.

Looking at Lu Yiyang in front of him, it is not difficult to imagine how good his genes are and how outstanding his education since childhood is!

Lu Yiyang said softly, "Sorry, Junya, I haven't told you about this before. It's not that I deliberately concealed it from you. I am not proud of my origin. I want to be like you. I only want to achieve it by myself. Goal, success."

"I can understand." Jun Ya nodded her head. She is not the same. She has never revealed her identity. It was tonight that Lu Yiyang told her true identity.

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