Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3257: Please call me brother-in-law

He also knew that this person was expelled, but it was just a way of killing chickens and cursing monkeys.

The person who was expelled was a silly chicken, and he was the monkey who was warned.

Of course, he couldn't act rashly.

He still thought that all of this was the work of Mayor Jun. He had never thought of the powerful forces behind Lu Yiyang, and had never thought that Lu Yiyang could not be offended by him!

No one cares about those little troubles before!

And if he touched the interests of Lu Yiyang, let alone Lu Yiyang and Junya, he would not be able to pass the level of Uncle Meng alone!

When Junya and Lu Yiyang drove away from the company, they saw Zhou Shengyu more depressed.

Han Yixiao obviously hated him more and suppressed him even more severely. Who made him almost drag Han Yixiao into the deep ditch that framed Lu Yiyang?

Junya and Lu Yiyang still live in the apartment.

First, the villa area is far away from the company, and the comings and goings are eye-catching. They don't want to be high-profile and attract attention.

On the second side of the apartment, the two people are more comfortable in the world. There is no Uncle Meng and no hordes of servants. Both feel relaxed and comfortable.

Just after parking the car, the two people got off the car talking and laughing, and saw Jun Xue walking towards them.

"Sister!" Jun Xue twisted her waist and walked over. The exquisite makeup and fashionable clothes made her look very glamorous, but it was also a bit more mature and tacky not commensurate with her age.

On the contrary, Junya always wears simple, t-shirt and jeans. Sometimes for the convenience of work, her hair is grabbed and tied into a cute ball head. She looks pure and beautiful, and her small face is white and pure, even more Junxue.

Junxue walked to Junya quickly: "Sister, my dad asked me to come. Please go back and gather together. On the night of my mom’s birthday, there were so many people, we didn’t have time to greet you. Afterwards, our whole family was very sorry. So I specially ask you to have a meal..."

Although the words are polite, but in the words, Junya is an outsider, and they and Mayor Jun feel as a family.

Junya agreed: "Okay, when?"

Since she decided to face their family head-on, Junya didn't want to escape.

She is no longer the Junya that she used to be. With the love of Lu Yiyang and a strong inner world, she will not be so weak to hand over the entire Jun family to let them enjoy everything in the Jun family!

"It's tomorrow night. My sister will come early. Dad has already booked a family banquet in the hotel." Jun Xue said with a smile, but where is the sincerity hidden under that smile?

Jun Xue was talking and laughing, her eyes still falling on Lu Yiyang.

She has never seen such a good-looking and such a man of great momentum, but unfortunately, it happened that Junya got him early...

Jun Xue rushed to land Yiyang, showing a gentle and sweet smile, and said: "Yiyang, you have to come too."

"If you must call me, please call me brother-in-law." Lu Yiyang's voice was a little serious.

Jun Xue laughed eagerly: "But you haven't married your sister yet. I think the name is better."

Regarding her performance, Junya was about to disgust.

Lu Yiyang certainly wouldn't respond to her, his eyes fell on Junya.

Jun Xue asked herself to be boring, and then turned and left.

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