Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3272: As if at home

The convoy drove into the royal palace.

The door of the royal family opened to both sides, and a whole line of people from the royal guard stood in line.

Being greeted as a VIP, Junya was a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

She adjusted her breathing, held by Lu Yiyang, and got out of the car.

A long way away, a half-old boy rushed over and climbed on Lu Yiyang like a monkey: "Lu Yiyang, you are finally back! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Jun Ya saw that he was tall, but his face was immature, and he seemed to be only about ten years old, so he should be Lu Wenxuan as Uncle Meng said.

Sure enough, Lu Yiyang took his hand and said to Junya: "Junya, this is Wenxuan, the son of the elder brother, he is over nine years old this year. Wenxuan, this is Aunt Junya."

"Sister, good." Wen Xuan said with a bow.

Lu Yiyang gave him a crit and bounced it on his forehead: "Poor mouth."

"It was originally, she looks like a small girl, how can she be called an aunt? Sister, are you right?" Lu Wenxuan smiled.

Junya couldn't help but smile: "As you like, what is your favorite name."

"Yes, for example, I always call him by name." Lu Wenxuan smiled.

He has been called the elder's name since he was a child, and Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei didn't care about it. When he grew up, he didn't change his words very much.

Lu Wenxuan looked like Lu Jingchen, that is to say, he also had a similar appearance to Lu Yiyang, he jumped very sharply, and he could see that he was a child who grew up in a harmonious family with bright eyes and a smile at all times.

Lu Yiyang hooked his shoulders, took Junya's hand, and walked forward.

Only when he was not speaking, Lu Wenxuan pursed his thin lips, and he had a sort of solemn taste of royal family members.

With this episode of Lu Wenxuan, Junya relaxed a lot when seeing Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei again.

Lu Zhanting was awe-inspiring. Although he was dressed in plain clothes, Junya could not help but see the iron and blood and the slaying courage from him.

Junya was a little surprised when she saw Yun Wei.

She really didn't expect that Yun Wei was still so young, and time seemed to take care of her especially, and the traces left on her were not obvious.

Speaking of Lu Yiyang, she is also twenty-eight or ninety-nine years old, and Yunwei is also nearly fifty years old, but her figure has not changed from when she was young, and her face has no wrinkles and is very natural. When she speaks, she smiles. The whole person even carries the rare girlish state.

Junya secretly envied her, and it's no wonder people outside said that Lu Zhanting had loved her for a lifetime, and he treated her like an eyeball.

"Parents." Lu Yiyang walked forward with Junya quickly.

"I'm back?" Yun Wei's voice also had a youthful temperament, her eyes softly looked at Junya, "Is this Junya?"

"Auntie, I am Junya. Good aunt." Junya was immediately conquered by her temperament.

"It's fine when you come back. Come here as if you are at home, no need to be cautious."

Junya nodded: "Well, thank you auntie."

Although Lu Zhanting was serious, he was also a fatherly mentality, and Junya easily passed their level.

Not only that, Lu Zhanting and Yun Wei were still very satisfied with her. After receiving her gift, they changed hands and gave her several more expensive meeting gifts. They also asked her to bring a gift to Mayor Jun.

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