Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3275: Doesn't seem to be that bad

Lu Yiyang was served in this way since he was a child. No wonder he always carries an irresistible domineering temperament.

But it's no wonder that he would rather be a police officer in the country than stay here to enjoy the blessing.

Everything in this royal family is uncomfortable without a strong heart.

"No, I prepared the clothes myself, and I also have breakfast." Junya had no choice but to shirk her. If someone from the etiquette department knew that Lu Yiyang was staying in her room, she might look better by then.

"Miss Jun, you are a guest. How can you allow you to eat dry food and wear clothes that you changed yesterday and were not washed?"

No matter what Junya said, they would not leave.

Junya looked at Lu Yiyang with a sad face: "What do you say?"

"Let them in." Lu Yiyang didn't shy away at all.

"But if someone in the etiquette department knows about it, will it make a big fuss?" Jun Ya really didn't want to have any ramifications with Lu Yiyang.

Those in the etiquette department also feel very difficult to deal with.

"If they know, I just tell them my determination. Let them all come in."

Junya had to open the door.

All the maids came in immediately.

When they came in, not only did they not surprise Lu Yiyang, they even lowered their eyebrows, and didn't raise their eyes to look at Lu Yiyang at all.

Some people took clothes for Junya, some arranged breakfast, some cleaned the room, and some cleaned the bathroom and changed clothes.

In less than ten minutes, everything was clean and tidy as new, and then quickly left, disappearing completely, as if it had never been here.

Junya opened her mouth wide. She has seen what a real profession is, and what a real efficiency is!

Even the harem life shown on TV is probably less than this one-tenth.

Throughout the process, no one questioned why Lu Yiyang was here.

"Didn't they see you?" Jun Ya was really strange.

"They are not blind. They are sure to see it. But there are also rules in the royal family that everyone should do what they should do, and they can't bother about what they shouldn't or shouldn't ask."

"This is really a harem. It's completely an ancient strict system." Jun Ya is really uncomfortable, is this too oppressive?

"You are wrong. These people have freedom, families, and more academic qualifications. They are not slaves in the harem who will never be free for life. They are just professionally trained and have a good salary in the royal family to complete their work. It has to be so professional and fast."

Junya has seen it again. This is something she doesn't know as the mayor's daughter.

Sure enough, the rich world is so happy that people can't imagine it.

If you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

"So you don't have to worry about them going to talk to the people in the etiquette department. They have to go home after finishing their work, and no one will be too busy."

Junya was finally relieved.

The life of the royal family, up to now, does not seem to be that bad.

The clothes sent by the maid did not have any logos or tags, but the texture was excellent and the tailoring was very decent.

"So I can't wear clothes with logos in the future, right?"

"No. But the trend in country C is that everyone likes to buy clothes based on the royal style, so which brand we wear, even if we advertise which brand. To avoid such troubles, parents always show up in public. It’s wearing custom-made clothes."

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