Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3278: It’s so delicious

Junya was seriously amused by the manager: "Okay, so be it."

"After dinner, let's go to the cinema here."

"Are there any good movies in country c recently?" Jun Ya said curiously.

"Not to go to the movies, but to see the theater conditions here. Country c has a similar culture to that of country s, but the country is much smaller than that of country s, and the entertainment industry has limited development. If we can bring in some excellent movies from country s. , Everyone’s entertainment choices will be larger."

"It turned out to be like this." Junya nodded and suddenly realized, "It's no wonder that Han Yixue and Bailu said that they deal with company business in country c. It seems that they also discovered the huge market in country c."

Lu Yiyang nodded: "I think the same. In fact, the per capita consumption power of country c is very strong. If this market is opened up, the profits will be huge. It can promote exchanges between the two countries and make people's entertainment options rich and diverse. Earning a lot of income, this place is definitely coveted by many people. So in fact, I will come back this time specifically, and I have the idea of ​​developing this business."

Junya was convinced by his thoughts: "Yi Yang, you only act in movies. It really wastes your talent and talent. You put your mind on a larger and broader world, and the ability you show is even more convincing."

She is sincerely complimenting, her eyes are bright, with admiration for him.

The blush on her face caused Lu Yiyang to put his finger on her face and rub it lightly. He was admired by his beloved, and the corner of his eyes was also smiling.

"If we can really accomplish this, our career will go further in the future. However, the studio may not be enough. At present, I have asked Uncle Meng to prepare the company. However, in order to avoid becoming a big fan, we can use the studio first. For nominal activities, the company secretly assists.” When Lu Yiyang talked about business, he was very convincing.

The manager personally came over to serve the dishes, explaining the name of the dishes, their characteristics, and the meal one by one.

After he finished speaking, he bowed: "Then Master Lu and Miss Jun take your time, if you need anything, just ring the bell and call me over."

Junya smiled and said, "Does he know your identity?"

"I haven't mentioned it. But he probably knows it. This store is a membership system, and you cannot enter without a member. The threshold for membership is very high, and most people may not be able to enter."

"Then Han Yixue and Bai Lu..." Junya thought that they were here, "They can come in, they should be the people who asked them, their status is good."

Lu Yiyang smiled and said, "I think so too. But as long as they don't provoke us, I can ignore them."

Junya thinks too, it's nothing more than eating, it's best if they don't affect each other.

She picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of the dish, took a bite, and stretched her brows: "It's delicious! This dish suits my taste."

"Then you eat more." Lu Yiyang came over with a chopstick.

All the dishes are in line with Junya's appetite, whether it is a special dish or those dishes specially made to take care of her taste, she is so delicious that she will bite off her tongue.

She burst into laughter: "No wonder there is the ability to implement a membership system here. These dishes are really exquisite and delicious."

Lu Yiyang smiled and brought her vegetables.

In the private room on the side, Han Yixue and Bai Lu were indeed seeing the guests.

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