Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3287: How do you do business?

"If you haven't done your own business well, you can't rely on us?" Jun Ya said lightly.

"You were at the scene that day, what happened?" Although Han Yixue hated Junya and Lu Yiyang, she had to ask in a low voice.

"Sorry, we are also busy people waiting, so we don't know what happened between the big people." Jun Ya smiled slightly.

Han Yixue really wants to find out: "Well, this five-star hotel is the most famous for its desserts, and they are sold in limited quantities every day. My cousin was a member here, you know, only members can buy it. I’ll order two copies for you. You can tell me what you heard that day, can you?"

After she finished speaking, she waved to the waiter and said, "I want two limited quantities of Yangzhi Nectar."

"Sorry, it's gone." The waiter took a respectful look at Lu Yiyang, and said, the manager had told him just now to take care of Lu Yiyang.

The waiter knew at a glance that this Han Yixue and Lu Yiyang were not together, but made Lu Yiyang disgusted, so he was very rude to Han Yixue.

Han Yixue can only say: "Then change to something else. What's there?"

"nothing left."

Han Yixue couldn't help but pat the table: "How do you do business? If you don't have anything, how do you do business? It's better to close the door as soon as possible."

"Miss may not know that our limited edition is precious because of the limited edition. What's more, the store is opened by us, and what kind of customers we choose. We do not welcome customers who yell at you. "The waiter can be a waiter here. You have seen it in any market, so why are you afraid of a woman like Han Yixue?

Han Yixue became angry for a while.

If it were in Jingzhou City, she would probably set the table on the spot.

Just thinking that this is country C, she had already suffered a loss before, so she had to swallow her anger and said, "Then help me pour a glass of white water."

"Sorry, customers without consumption will not provide white water."

Han Yixue flushed with anger and was about to attack again. Junya smiled and said, "Miss Han, are you trying to get along with the waiter?"

Han Yixue had to say: "Junya, let's do that. You tell me what happened that night. When I go back, I will give you the phone number of an advertiser. You can win over the advertiser and let Lu Yiyang put his advertisement."

"Han Yixue, you may be thinking too simple. If we don't mention what happened that night, we will not disclose it to you at all. We will just talk about the advertisement. Now the merchants waiting for Yiyang to shoot the advertisement have lined up long ago. I Why bother to lower your honor, and to contact what advertiser?" Junya finished speaking, greeted the waiter, "Let's order something."

Junya pointed to the desserts on the menu, ordered a few, and the waiter quickly noted it down and said, "Miss Jun, please wait a moment, it will be ready soon."

The waiters have totally different attitudes towards Junya and Han Yixue.

Han Yixue's face turned pale and blue, and she wanted to make trouble, but she had no position.

It seemed that Junya and Lu Yiyang wouldn't care about them at all.

Especially Lu Yiyang, he looked cold throughout the whole process, and he didn't even bother to say a word to himself.

But Han Yixue believed that if she persecuted or offended Junya, Lu Yiyang would defend Junya at any time.

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