Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3291: Free and easy, love freedom

Lu Yiyang and Junya's vacation is the real beginning.

They really relaxed without a disappointing person like Han Yixue by his side.

Although Lu Yiyang has a very good reputation in country C, everyone in the officialdom knows his existence, but in general, ordinary people may not have heard his name, and may not know that he is a member of the royal palace.

And the movie he played has not been officially introduced, so he and Junya can walk on the street freely.

There is no need to wear sunglasses or a mask, and it is very comfortable to wander in the sun.

The environment in country c is beautiful, the air is very good, and the temperature on the side near the sea is comfortable and comfortable.

Early that morning, a luxurious Rolls Royce set off from the royal palace and sent Lu Yiyang and Junya to the beach.

The two boarded the ship together, the sea was vast, the sea and the sky were blue in the distance, Junya was in an open mood and couldn't help saying: "Oh my God, it's so beautiful! The weather is awesome!"

"Wait for me." Lu Yiyang took the net and threw it into the sea. "In the past, my dad and eldest brother used to take us out to sea, and we could catch a delicious turbot here. Fishermen usually hunted here. So. We are not polite."

"Can it really be fished?" Junya lay beside the boat, looking at the sea in surprise.

The water is very clear and blue, and the visibility is very high, and you can even see the small fish inside.

"You wait!" Lu Yiyang looked very skilled.

Jun Ya held her breath and calmed down, for fear that she would make a sound and scare away the fish in the sea.

But fortunately, soon, Lu Yi raised his hand and dragged it to the Internet. Several fish inside rolled around inside, and it really caught him.

"Wow, I can really do it!" Junya was very happy, "Great! Which ones can be eaten and which ones can't?"

"This kind of white is Duobao fish, it tastes very good, steamed, fresh and delicious." Lu Yiyang smiled and handed the Duobao fish to the people around him for cooking.

"Then the rest are poisonous?" Jun Ya knew that not every fish could be eaten, and he didn't know how Lu Yiyang would deal with it.

"It's not poisonous. The rest are too small. Dad taught us that fish can be caught, but it can't destroy the ecology. So put all the small ones back." Lu Yiyang reached out and threw all the small fish back into the sea.

Junya smiled: "So it's like this."

"At noon we can eat on the boat." Lu Yiyang smiled, "Since I went to Country S, it has been a long time since I ate on the boat. It has also been a long time since I went out with my dad and brother."

Junya said: "Yes, I think my uncle has been very busy. He has to deal with state affairs, so he should work hard every day."

"Fortunately, my elder brother helped. In short, I don't like the things he handles, so I can't help. I still prefer to be free and put in the mountains and rivers." Lu Yiyang looked at the sea.

Junya finally understood why he was able to enjoy himself in the entertainment circle. He is free and easy, loves freedom, and does not want to be restricted by power and money.

In the movie, he has everything he can find, and he can experience more life and life.

So even though he has talent in business and officialdom, he still finds a rare freedom and beauty in the entertainment circle.

In this regard, he should be happy now.

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